Kaylee was born on Jan 1st and we have no intention to breed her (even if she wasn't a fluffy). The local spay/neuter clinic recommends spaying her before she reaches 5 months old to ensure that she doesn't go into heat before the surgery. Will that hurt her development? I thought we'd wait until she was 5 1/2 months before having her fixed. Now I'm not sure.

Any reasons (esp for corgis) that there might be a reason to wait or hurry to get her spayed?

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 I don't know if it's the same drug you are referring to or not, but when I worked for vets we had something called "Mismate" that was an injection. They hesitated to use it because it extended the heat cycle and had a lot of side effects.

Just did some googling and found an excellent article on the drug I am familiar with:


It is not what they use in the UK. From what I can find online, that particular drug has never been approved in the US.

Thanks for all your advice. We've decided to wait until she's a full 6 months.

While we don't have any male dogs, she regularly (once or twice a day) plays with a couple, including an intact male (due to health problems). Letting her go through one heat cycle would probably not be a good idea. 


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