Max, our Tri gets brushed every night . The last couple of weeks we have noticed he is getting more white on his back and sides. Is this normal? He kind of looks like he's getting grey.

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Perhaps just the undercoat showing more? Everynight brushing sounds like a lot for a Corgi. Perhaps a less agressive brush if you are brushing daily or just twice a week brushing.

Camber hates being brushed, so we do not do it as often as I would like. Never had a dog that didn't like brushing until her.
Max is shedding quite a bit. One of the reasons we brush. The other is that he enjoys it,thinks it's a game. It isn't an agressive brush. Thanks for your opinion.
How old is Max? My Tri shifted coloring a fair amount during his first year or two. A lot of red came in on his head and sides, and white areas showed up on his saddle that was once pretty much all black. I SHOULD brush him a bit every day as he has a very think, full coat, but I just seem to run out of time -- they are some shedders, aren't they? Some of Bertie's white has dark undertones, too -- even my red girl Ethel has areas where it looks like the roots are darker (her dye job is getting old, I guess ;-)
What type of brushes are you using? If he is shedding massively your pulling alot out and the area could be dense. New hair growth will come in and the original brillant color should come back. You rescued him so changes can cause excessive shedding as well. If your using the furminator...don't use it every night. It will dense the coat and even damage it breaking hairs.
Just a soft brush. I have a furminator but I haven't used it. It's a little scarey.
Give it some time..this is a rescue and is stressed through changes. Now if you notice areas of baldness, clumps of fur coming out, reddened areas, then I would advise speaking w/a vet. If he is scaly and dry you may want to give a bath w/oatmeal or aloe vera, something hydrating. I like to use just pantene pro v high shine to clean the skin of debri and the undercoat w/come out easier too. More then likely he just needs to get his coat back into condition. Feed a good kibble as well which helps the skin and coat. I give yogurt daily as well.
I've started noticing this with our tri, too. We don't brush him nearly as often (once a week at this point?) but there are a lot of gray hairs poking out of the black. :)


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