Brody is almost 2 and in the past 5 months has been itchy all the time. I've added olive oil to his food, switched his food, tried new baths and grooming. I have a hunch it's the food, what are some food suggestions for corgis? I dont want to spend a fortune on trying foods, and this far we have tried wellness, Kirkland natural, vitality, and royal Kanin. Any suggestions on stoping an ithy corgi? Or any food suggestions ?

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Have his previous foods all had the same protein sources (i.e. chicken or beef or fish?)  If you're convinced it's the food, then I think you would have to try to narrow it down to what specific ingredient it is that's bothering him.

Also, how often are you bathing him?  Bathing too often strips their skin and fur of the oils they need and can cause a great deal of itching and flaky skin.

The last thing to consider is that it might be something in the environment.  Are you certain he doesn't have fleas?  Could he possibly have an allergy to grass or pollen?  Perhaps a lotion or product that you use on yourself which is then transferred to Brody?

Ive started to eliminate any foods with any gluten. He goes to the groomer once a month or every 6 weeks. He had a few fleas after going to my inlaws (we live in a city - they live in the NJ surburbia) and we had bathed him as soon as we got home and hasn't had one sense. He was a scratching away before the little flea buggers. I haven't had any lotions or any new soaps/detergent/room cleaners since we got him (creatures of habit).


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