We just got back from the trieball workshop. Becca got a drink then went in her crate and has been napping. She was really tired by the end. Two hours was a long time for her. She did great though.

Our instructor split trieball up into individual skills. Touch, push, go to mat, go around objects, pushing objects and more. She made up a kit for each of us, basic objects to help. (small laundry basket, placemat, stickies, wand, push mat) Becca learned how to use the push mat in trick class. It is made with a section of swim noodle (cut in half the long way so it doesn't roll too easy) and a long strip of tablecloth. Treats can be rolled up in it. When the dog pushes they get the treats as it unrolls. The placemat was a go to spot, the stickies are for establishing a target spot when teaching push and/or touch. 

We started with a hand touch, then touch to the stickies. Becca got confused here. "What do you mean touch the sticky? I am supposed to touch your hand!" We moved from there to touch to the wand, then touch/push to an object (wheeled toys, or stands), and push mats. Then we moved on to directing them to their mats, and around the basket to their mats.

That is the short version...We had fun. I'm not sure if I would do another two hour workshop. Becca was fried by the end. She behaved well, but you could tell she ready to be done. I'm also not sure if I will continue with trieball. Our Fur Fun class is an introduction to many dog sports, so far Becca seems to enjoy agility. One positive note, this training center is 20 minutes closer to my house than the one we go to now. I have been debating classes there.

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I'm glad she had fun. :) She will build stamina if you choose to continue. I'm so jealous you have access to such amazing facilities for dog sports. Out here, it's so difficult to find clubs that do basic training, let alone sports like Treibball!

I find your videos of what you do with Ace amazing. Hopefully Becca learns his level of impulse control. I would have a hard time training by myself. The only downside of the training here is my commute. An hour to my regular class and 40 minutes for today. I emailed about an obedience class at today's facility. Having it 20 minutes closer would be fabulous when the school year starts.


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