I'm feeling like Roxy deserves a companion. It just seems as though
Corgis, like all good things in the universe, should come in pairs.
She's finally overcome the trouble she was having with other dogs and I
think she's ready. We even got to meet some other corgis. It's funny,
her reaction to another corgi is totally different. It helps that the
ones we've met so far were super tubby and laid back.

I live in northern IL and I've contacted every single PWCCA registered
breeder in my state asking the obvious quality control questions. Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't mind
waiting lists, but some of the breeders I contacted told me that they
breed one litter every 2 years. My ideal wait time would be something
like 9 months. Since most breeders release a puppy after 3 to 4 months,
that would put me right around a year of waiting, which I feel like I
can live with.

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Hi Nicole, looks like you're on the right track, check out this faq. Low production is a great thing, good things comes to those who wait :)
Thank you, there was some very useful information in there. Another reason why I wanted a second corgi is because I've recently got Roxy into herding and she loves it. It would be a really rewarding experience to get her to work with another dog on that high of a level. There's also the fact that I'm addicted to the basic corgi personality. I don't get where people say they're so hard to train. She went through a period where she was standoffish with other dogs and was chewing, but it was pretty easy to solve. Dog park visits once or twice a week seemed to solve the anxiety she was feeling around other dogs and we narrowed down why she was chewing. It would seem she was doing it because she missed my husband. She would only ever chew things that belonged to him and as I got him more involved in her training she stopped destroying his things. He had a hard time getting her to obey until recently. In fact, she's still a bit of a mamma's girl.

We also recently adopted a father-in-law and he treats her like his grandcorgi, so there's also that. Essentially, the puppy would never be alone.
I would recommend Sandy Johnson, www.sunnygardenfarm.com

She does all the testing and stuff and usually has something through the year. Lots of people on here have dealt with her and had good experiences.
Personally, I would insist on a breeder that tests for DM. Just one litmus test.
I would not insist on a breeder who does not dock tails, but that would be a big draw for me.
I'm attending a DM seminar in Seattle with Dr. Coates who published the paper; I'll post an update maybe Sunday night.
Keep an eye out for a rescue; a long shot, but you (and your future dog) might get lucky.
Sandy Johnson does test for DM, even ALL of her puppies are tested. She's had some none At Risk pups available here lately too. She doesnt mention it on her website but it's something she is working very hard on.
I think Sandy Johnson is the only one I know in IL as well.. but do not know if she has pups available .or what the waiting list is. she has sent me photos of several of her litters!! . .. as Windial said you could certainly contact her.... am sure there are other breeders in IL but make sure you get references and ask all the right questions and if breeder doesnt have questions for you, as well, ... I would run! Who would have thought getting a puppy could be so complicated:) but is worth it!!
Have you been in contact with the breeder you got the first one from??? If you were happy with that breeder she /he should be able to direct you with references to another breeder who may have pups??
I always go through the American kennel club.
 They have standers set for the breeders
they stand behind. They even have a web site
 to help you find them. That is how I found
my Loki. There breeders are both for show
dogs and those that are just to be pets.
Loki is just a pet. I did the show thing
with shelties. That is how I know about the
You need to come to the dark side and get the tailed cousin :) Actually, you might even contact Lakeshore and see about a rescue or go through their breeder referal. Might even need to expand your search area into WI and MN. I know a great breeder in MN and a couple in IA.

Good luck but you don't know what you are missing until you get a cardigan!

..the dark side IS more fun :)
I just checked Sandy's website....she has 3 tri-color female & 2 sable & white male puppies available at this time.
Cindy , you should have put a link to your site for cardis:)))) althouigh Nicole is in IL I think, she should see the "dozen" hahahahaha theres bound to be a herder in there:))))))
and Nicole, I have a rescue pem with a tail.. So Sam may have an idea, if a young pup isnt a requirement, you could search breed specific shelters.. they can be a challenge, but PWCC rescues are excellent at matching available dogs to new owners IMHO.. Lots of options:)
I Live in Mn but I dont know ( personally ) any breeders here I would have any experience to reccommmend. But I dont know how far you are willing to drive or if you want a young pup shipped... so there are breeders here and in Wi and you could contact Wendt Worth Corgis in Ohio, and if that is too far she may be able to refer you to someone closer to you too that has pups..
Cindy the only one I know of in MN is Lakeway Corgis, and I dont know the status of her right now , with moving and all and website says she is selling some kids but I dont know that they are "puppies" who else in MN/WI?
@ Cindy
"the dark side"????? hahahahahah these may just be my next obsession:))))) Absolutely "corgi" and anyone with a pem would adore a cardi!!


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