So my Mother-in-law's corgi, Quincey, has really weird ears. His right ear never stays up but his left only goes up all the time. He is about four years old so I know that they should be up by now. What is his deal? Does anyone know why his ear won't stay up? I have tried to do research and have come up empty. Any thoughts 

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Its a genetics thing. Sometimes the ears don't form the correct amount of cartilage when they are growing up. This is why some people tape a corgis ears when they around 3 months if their ears aren't already standing. All you really need to be concerned about with a floppy ear is checking it for ear infection. Floppy ears tend to develop moisture inside a little easier and don;t stay as clean.
Sometimes corgis have ears that stick up, others have floppy ears, some only have one floppy ear and a sticky up ear. It just happens sometimes. They are cute either way! :)
Oh that makes sense. I just had never seen a corgi without perky ears so I was curious.
Kassandra, our first corgi, Odie, had ears that stood up for a short while and then fell. After that he might have one or the other ear up and somethimes maybe even 2 ears up! We now know it was a genetic thing as well as in his case other medical probs...however, he sure was cute with those ears!! we joked about him being able to tell up how he felt by his ears. I looked for a picture of Quincy on your page - is he there?


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