My 13 month old corgi has dermodectic mange. He has been on daily oral ivermectin for more than a month. The interesting thing is that the affected area would get better over time and hair would grow back slowly, but new areas of hair loss would develop. He is on a healthy, no grain diet. He get proper exercise every day. No other health issues. I hate to see him losing more hair. So far he has lost some hair on his muzzle, hind legs, and just started to lose hair on one of his ears. I bugged my vet so many time now she starts to think that he probably has sarcoptic mange because the ivermectin treatment has not stopped the mange from spreading. Any comments?
I guess you already know that demodex mites are on all dogs, all the time. This is pretty much normal. They become a problem when the dogs immune system is compromised for some reason.
As to how to kill them:
There is a product called Prolate Lintox. It is a cattle spray. However, it is the exact same formula as the old Vetchem Paramite product. Paramite was pulled of the market but the product lives on as Lintox. My vet uses it in place of paramite. It can be purchased on Amazon. It is relatively inexpensive. It is a dip. It is an insecticide and mitricide. Run this by your vet before using it. The dog may have other issues that preclude using Phosmet ( the organo-phosphate active ingredient). This will also sterilize a yard for ticks and fleas. Keep the animals out of the yard until it drys.
Since the ivermectin is not doing the job, I suspect there may be other health issues lurking in the background. Ivermectin will usually kill both varieties .of mange.
I hope this helps. Demodex can be torture for a dog. The poor things itch constantly.
OK. Forty-five years of dog rescue helps one to learn about these things.
Demodex mange mites live in and around the hair follicles on ALL dogs.They are kept in check by the dogs immune system. When a dog is stressed due to illness or injury or even emotional stress, the mites multiply and become a problem. Demodex mites CANNOT live off of a host. They will not live in carpets or pet bedding. They die after a few hours. Humans are not a good host for these mites, so don't worry about getting the itches.
Sarcoptic mange is very contagious to humans and other warm blooded mammals. It can live in carpets and bedding for an extended period of time.
Both types of mange respond to Ivermectin treatment. However, this takes time as the Ivermectin must reach a certain serum level in the bloodstream before it can affect the mites.
Topical treatments work much faster as they are applied directly to the infested area. Lintox Proleate is very effective against both types of mange. The active ingredient in Lintox and the old Paramite is Phosmet 11.25%. This is a powerful organo-phosphate mitricide/insecticide. It must be diluted before applying to an animal. Typically, you mix one ounce of Lintox in a gallon of water. Then, dip or spray the milky solution onto the dog from head to tail tip. Be careful around the eyes. Several applications may be required depending on how bad the infestation is. DO NOT use LIntox on a dog with significant hair loss. Skin infection may also be a problem in this case and Lintox may be too toxic until the dog recovers some of its immune response. Always ask your vet before using Phosmet. He or she may remember it under the trade name Paramite. This was the go to treatment for mange before Ivermectin.
Most vets are happy to educate owners on dog illnesses. If you can learn to detect symptoms and how the dog is behaving you can help the vet to make an informed diagnosis. The more you can tell him or her, the sooner they can come up with a treatment. Unlike human doctors, the vets patients can't talk. The more the owner can reveal, the better the chances for the animal.
Hope this helps some...
That's annoying. Carl, is it possible that the mites could survive in carpeting or grass? Maybe if an exterminator sprayed inside and out while the dog is at the vet being treated, as they do when one has a severe tick infestation, could that be worth trying???
I've never tried these insecticides here because the corgis haven't had any buggy problems -- but had a tick-ridden doberman lo! these many years ago, back when organo-phosphates were commonplace. It was a REAL problem...very, very difficult to get rid of. Keep on working at it.
Apply the Lintox on a small spot first. The dobe was allergic to tick dip and broke out in magnificent hives when he was subjected to the stuff.
PS... and Yipes! Take a look at this page:
Could be you just need to stick with it and treat more intensely. Looks like this is not something that goes away in one treatment.
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