I'm not sure if this has happened to anyone. I noticed my Newman hiding when I get the loaf of bread out to make toast. He starts to shake really bad and when I try to call him or pet him, he won't budge. This happens everytime I get the bread. I thought it was the sound of the plastic, but I think he knows I'm going to use the toaster. I'm not sure why he is reacting this way. I've even tried other plastic bags to see if he was afraid of the sound, but he was fine. I'm not sure if he's afraid the sound the toaster makes when you push the handle down, or when the bread pops up when done. I've never seen this before. I feel bad for him because he gets so shaky and scared. He does calm down after a while. Share your thoughts on this. If you have a Corgi that has some weird random phobias, I would like to know. Thanks :).

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What I'm gathering from this is that Corgis tend to have these odd phobias. I know Lilli does, though she outgrew many of them. At first I was concerned that she had serious problems, and did consider hiring a behaviorist to sort it out. Still, though she is queen of all she can see, and seemingly fearless in the world, her little fears are a problem.

Am I correct? Is this a Corgi trait? Is it a "negative" Corgi trait that a breeder would try to avoid? Does it have something to do with their "mission?"


Kalvin is afraid of mask and balloons! He has lots of children to play with at home and one of the boys wore a mask on time Kalvin freaked out and made sure that he did not come near any of the other family members, and when he took off the mask and put it down Kalvin would not go near the mask for nothing! He is also scared of balloons he will not go near them if his life depended on it! He will even stare at it making sure it does not go near him!


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