
I have a question about Tuckers nail.  I noticed the other day there seems to be blood inside  (?) his nail, not sure what it is from?  He likes to jump straight up in the air and then land on his front legs, when he wants to be let in from outside.  I am not sure if this could cause something like that or a nail trimming.

We had a successful nail trimming about a week ago, but didn't notice the problem with the nail until a week later if more.  He doesn't have a hard time walking on it.  Any one have any ideas what this could be from or if it is an issue some how. 

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any ideas?

Is the blood in the nail bed, the part where the nail starts? He could have possibly broke his nail some way or another. My cocker broke his nail pretty bad once, but it was more of a hanging off by a thread kind of thing. They had to remove it and put him on antibiotics. 

I would say if anything, have a vet look at it. He more than likely won't have it removed, but they may want to put him on antibiotics just to fight off any infections he may get.

Do you have a picture of his nail?

The blood is further up in the nail...it seems like it is looking better from the other day.  I did take a pic with my phone, but not sure how to upload it to here.  The nail still is smooth, so I dont think it is cracked.  I talked with the vet today at Lances appointment and he said to keep an eye on it.  Hopefully it wont be anything and will go away on its own!! 

He probably just strained it by jumping like a nut lol! If it's further up, and isn't open or chipped, then I would just keep an eye on it like you vet said. I think as long as it isn't bothering him, and he isn't licking away at it, it will probably go back to normal on it's own. Dogs are pretty resilient, I'm sure he is alright!

I know your concern though, any change in Tomahawk and I go into panic mode lol.

My guess is he injured the nail(s) jumping around and you are seeing what would be similar to what we would see if we smashed a nail in a door, the purplish bruising look. Franklin has had his fair share of nail damage, now to the point where one nail on the back paw grows completely abnormal because he has ripped it off twice and damaged it several other times. I'd just keep an eye on it and I bet it will either get better on its own, or grow out as the nail grows (or falls off if really damaged).

Thanks Everyone for your responses :)


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