Camden, my ever social loving 8 month old, is normally well behaved and if not, is easy to correct. Except for when it involves trimming his nails.

He's always been a drama queen when it came to his feet, but it has only gotten worse. What started out as whining and crying (which is bad enough) he now will snap at your hands if you even touch them with a trimmer. My sister (who has a Great Dane that is easier to work with) tried to help me, but without a muzzle, we couldn't risk it. In fact, after that attempt, Camden pooped in her hallway (thankfully my 3 year old nephew started yelling "Camden poopied!") in retaliation.

I am trying to associate the nail trimmer with treats to get him to calm down, but in the mean time, his nails are just too long. Last resort is for me to take him to the vet to get trimmed up- I'm on a bit of a tighter budget this month (waiting on financial aid to start up- yay spring semester). Any suggestions?

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Dino had his nails trimmed when he was puppy and whom ever did it got too close and got the quick and it did bleed alittle ( according to Dino it bled alot ) So now he will pull his paw back but will not snap or growl. It shocked me when I when will him one time for shots and the doctor put a muzzle on. He has never snapped at anyone and the doc should not have done that.

Camden is luckier than his Great Dane cousin Tuff- with clear nails, we haven't had any accidents with cutting the quick. Poor Tuff has black nails and a nail condition so one time when we trimmed his nails, it looked like a massacre occurred. He was fine, just messy- he wouldn't sit still for us to use quick clot.

I worked at a vet for 4 years (as a receptionist, but still). That a muzzle was used on a non aggressive dog tells me that either the technician holding the dog was poorly trained or new, or the doctor had a history of sticking the dogs poorly and causing poor reactions in dogs. Either way, if there was no history of aggression, the doctor should of explained themselves. That is just unprofessional.

I've been using the cordless dremmel on Chewey, although I do it with him lying on his back with his head towards me (sitting on the floor with my legs stretched out).  Not sure if that position is easier or harder - I just started out that way because I usually try to relax him by rubbing his belly when he's on his back (which he loves).  It does make it fairly easy to keep him from jerking away but would guess that wouldn't work very well on a dog that's claustrophobic.  It took me awhile to work up the nerve to even think about trying it - he's not big on having his feet touched either.  Not to mention that he goes ape at any noisy appliance (blenders, beaters, etc) so I was sort of surprised I've been able to do it at all.  

I just started out by petting/touching him with the dremmel without even turning it on... and then graduated to having it on near or close enough for him to feel the vibration. I did that for several weeks (using treats/praise along the way) until it seemed like he was used to it being around and on before I even thought about using it. Once I actually started trying it out on his nails I just did a very little bit at a time and would continuously praise him while he held still and then give him a treat after I finished a nail. I don't remember how long it took for me to get to where I could do all 4 feet (as long as I don't dawdle!), but it seemed like it took forever... Thank goodness he's very treat motivated ;->

In any case, good luck with Camden!


We had a problem too with Sheldon's nails. My ex-groomer friend suggested (after a failed nail clipping attempt) to take him to a groomer's where he is elevated. It totally worked! They used a dremmel and needed one person to hold him down and another to do the work. He whined like a little baby but in the end, he was fine. He even tried to charm the other lady dogs that came in with his fancy manicured paws.

For $10 every 3 months, I would rather pay someone else to trim his nails vs me accidentally clipping his quick and having him whine/cry and be miserable.

I have a question. I have never cut a nail too short, but it is a constant worry. With a Dremel, I assume the dog will say it hurts before it gets down too far. Has anyone had experience with this?

See the FAQ.  You can do this.  He'll get used to it.  Cut only a wee bit, but do it often.  An assistant to distract him helped with Al (who used to wail like I was amputating his neck). 

Try not to hurt him, but even if you do hit the quick, it's not a game-ender.

Considering how Al used to freak out, I'm amazed that I can now do this, alone (although an assistant does help).

I use a guillotine cutter backwards (front-to-back), which seems more with-the-grain.


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