Hi all, I need some advice.

This past June we adopted a now 4-year old female spayed corgi.  Overall she is a sweetheart... She's great with strangers and tolerant of kids, she hardly ever barks and when she does it's like a whisper.  However, there are two behavior issues that are developing that I'm concerned about.

First, she no longer likes to spend time with us on the couch.  For the first several months she was with us, she'd jump up on the couch either with us or alone.  Ever since we got back from our Christmas vacation (she came along), she avoids the couch.  Now she never goes on it on her own and if we manage to encourage her to jump up next to us, she'll last a half-second and jump off.  I wondered if it could be a pain issue I don't know about, but she's very happy to jump up on the beds in the house.  Any ideas?

Second, and of far greater concern, is her behavior towards my husband.  From day one she's been "my" dog.  She follows me everywhere and is a very sad doggy when I'm not around.  My husband has been so wonderful to her.  He feeds her all sorts of yummy treats that I don't give her and he plays with her more than I do -- and she's wonderful to him when the food or her ball are in the picture.  However, she has begun growling at him when he comes to bed (I usually go to sleep much earlier than him and our dog has been sleeping in the bed with us).  He started talking to her as he enters the room so as not to frighten her in the dark and that worked for awhile, but now she's back to growling.  It does not seem like aggressive growling, just a little purr.  However, last night after snuggling up to me as she heard him coming down the hall, she opened her mouth as if to nip.  I really don't want this to get any worse and really hope it can get better.  Any advice?

Thanks.  I'd appreciate any help.

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Sounds like she has decided you are her's and he is not welcome. I would not let her sleep with you. Put her in another room or in a crate in your room. She should not be allowed to continue this behavior or it will just get worse. The little purr is a growl and a warning--"stay away from this lady, she is mine". 

Kick her off the bed every time she growls.  Repeatedly.  Do not tolerate that for one minute.  That is an aggressive dog that will bite in the making.  I also grab Seanna's muzzle and stare her down when she does similar things and tell her no.  But I know she won't bite me.  She tries to be all big-and-bad, but will back down.  Start the NILF program, and make your husband do it with her as the main person.  Your dog is trying to take charge, and there will be h*** to pay if she succeeds.

Have you considered taking her to obedience classes?  Or more specifically, have your husband take her to obedience classes.  They are not just for teaching commands, but can also help with a number of behavioral issues.  A lot of places offer classes for a reasonable price.  Our local community college offers a night class every semester and it is only about $65 for 8 classes.  And I agree, I would definitely not tolerate that behavior and would make her get off the bed.  She needs to know she is not the boss of the bed.

As for the couch thing, is it really that important to you that she get on the couch?  Maybe she just doesn't like it up there anymore.  If she is willing to cuddle with you elsewhere, then I would just let it go.  Or maybe you could sit on the floor with her if you want to cuddle.


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