I just adopted a rescue corgi about a month ago. He is two years old and came from an abusive family where he was either kept in a tiny crate or outside on a line (both places with a shocking bark collar on). Since having him I rarely use the crate (he knows it is his time out spot). I found that he loves to bolt. I have yet to take him out without a leash but if he sneaks out of the car before I put it on or between our legs when we leave the house, its a 30 minute ordeal to get him. I have had 3 other corgis growing up and have never had this problem and am desperate to find a way to curb it. I live in an area where there is so much to do with your dog in the outdoors and I feel so restrictive always having to have him on a leash especially when we all go hiking. I also MUST stop this for his own safety, he obviously doesn't know what a car is and will not stop or evade one if he were to get near one. ANY help would be amazing. Thank you all!!!

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Hi Kate. I know what you mean. Our Sidney is a bolter, his most recent excursion earning him a face-first encounter with a moving car and the loss of two front teeth.

We've been trying to work on recall using a whistle (standard coach's whistle). We use it to call them when we are giving treats. I have not had cause to use it in an emergency recall yet, but I keep a whistle on my walking gear, in case one of the dogs gets loose while out. It's a constant worry, that he will get loose and take off again. It was a terrifying thing to happen.
HR offered many of the ideas that I would have generally shared. I certainly would never use a crate for a time out. Crates are meant to be a safe place where a dog can feel secure. My dogs have all meals in them and sometimes special treats. I never crate a dog without something special. As I prepare dinner in the evening all six run to their prospective dining spots awaiting dinner.
One month is really a short time for a fearful dog to feel safe and at home. I would use extra care at all times to make sure he does not get loose. His ability to be with you frequently out of the home on lead will help him learn a great comfort level with you wherever you go. I have used the "tie" process with many young dogs and had great success. I highly recommend it.
If you have a training club remotely close a class may be most helpful. I do think every dog and their owner do well with training classes. Love your new boy, be patient and give him time. Dont forget it took him two years to get like he is now, it may take two years to have him develop into exactly the dog you wish him to be. Good Luck.
For both the car and the door to the outside:

Use the door.

Start with a door to the outside- preferably where you don't need a leash- so the "okay" command is complete freedom. Stand at the door with your hand on the knob- your eager little guy will try and shove through- wait until he calms down. Open it a crack- close it. Open close open close open close- never enough for him to get through. Wait until he calms down with the open close routine. Pause. Open a bit wider- close quickly, open close open close open close open close open close. Wait until he calms down with the open close a bit more. Repeat opening a bit wider. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Only let him out with an "okay" when he's calm- you'll know this because he will look at you instead of the door.

Car door- you're outside- Corgi is inside. Same routine. Open a crack- close quick. Open close open close open close open close. Corgi sits. Corgi looks at you. Open a bit wider, close quick, open close open close open close open close. Corgi sits, Corgi looks at you. Open a bit wider. Open close open close open close.... etc.

You will need to do this routine for a long time. You may need to do this routine for a very long time. Keep it up- it can save your Corgi's life.

Eventually you will be able to leave the door open and he will only "bolt" after you give the command "okay".

This is especially good for cars- jumping out of cars can be very bad for long Corgi backs.

Good Luck,

We had the opposite problem with Cam. When we first brought her home (from a neglectful situation), she wouldn't walk on the grass in the yard and she had never been walked on a leash. But, we kept bringing her out and eventually, she learned that it was a safe environment. Cam was also kept crated for long periods of time, so we made a decision to not have a crate in the house. She has her spot under the table and desk and her doggy bed if she needs it.

Don't despair! Camber loves her yard, and I taught her to walk on a leash in 1 hour. She tends to ignore us when we call her if she's having a good time outside, but will come when we offer a treat of some kind. What I've learned about corgi's is that it takes them a long time to come around, but when they do...wow! It's like you have another dog entirely. Be patient, but firm, and your little one will surprise you one day. Good luck1


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