Hey everyone. Steph and I finally got Rowdy and things are going well. However, I am having some issues with his Paper training. He has had a couple of accidents on the carpet. Well we are trying to paper train him. I catch him with his accidents on the carpet. I rub his nose in it and take him directly to his pad. Unfortunatly when I do this he just stays in his area to go to the bathroom and does not go. I leave him there for ten to fifteen minutes and he just sits and waits to be let out and goes out and does it again. Any ideas as to what I can do to help him grasp the idea of papertraining?? I am really looking for help. Thanks.

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You want to associate going potty with a positive experience, so never rub his nose in, that way, he will associate it with getting his nose rubbed in, therefore he'll hide and does his business in other places as well. First read this post, then use the search box on upper right hand corner.
We skipped this stage entirely because we have a yard and gave him a potty spot. It is all about timing. Every two hours, after naps, after eating, after 15-20 min of play. If you want to do paper training I saw this spray stuff at Petsmart but I'm not sure if it works. Good luck!
Paper training was the worst idea I ever had. Even after I removed the pee pads she still peed in the same spot!! It took a long time for her to get used to going outside and telling me when she had to go. Good luck!


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