Freya's vaginal area looks...puckered? I guess that's the right word. I've had girl dogs before, but I've never seen this. Should I take her to the vet in the morning?

It looks like around the area, it is dirty. I guess she's not too good at cleaning herself? But it looks like the area around her vagina is bigger than before with the bottom of the vulva, closer to the anus, looking the worst.

She did vomit last night, chunky stuff and a lot of dirt (but that could be because of the dirt or she was an hour past food time and that hungry and played too hard with water in her stomach.) She wasn't too thrilled about food, but she really enjoys it with yogurt. But really, she'd rather have whatever Cloud is having. She is just as active as before and plays very hard. I gave her a second dose of Advantage Multi.

I didn't notice that something was different last night, as I didn't flip her over then.

My boyfriend says it's just dirty. I did wipe her down with some hot water and got the most that I could. I am not sure if I could use a wet wipe or not the way it is. Oh um, she's also almost 3 months old and I don't expect it to be her heat.

I haven't found an actual emergency vet/hospital around here and so I would have to call in tomorrow before I go to work.

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It does get dirty in that area and 3 months is too young for first heat. I'm not sure I'm picturing what your seeing but I believe what has alarmed you most is the dirt around there. I don't think you have anything to worry about but I am not there to see it either and its always best to be safe then to have something get out of control or further progress into something much worse. When cleaning that area I'd use extra caution. You don't want bacteria entering through the vulva so make sure you don't spread her open or wipe from top to bottom taking yuckies from the rectum area to the vulva.
I cleaned the skin around the vagina. It's the area that's swollen. I had to think about it last night to better explain it. It's like when you put a strawberry on top of whipped cream and how the whipped cream kind of rises over the strawberry--except in her case, the skin is around her vagina and the bottom area looks inflamed. I'm hoping I didn't further irritate it by wiping it and introducing more bacteria there.

I'm also hoping it isn't pyrometria.
I don't think cleaning w/simple warm water irritated it at all but I do think its best to have the vet look at it..I hate to see some form of infection getting worse.
I took her to the vet. They said that she's not cleaning herself enough. They told me to keep wiping her down with warm water--baby wipes if I have it, unil it starts looking less angry. If it doesn't get any better to see them again. Her temperature was within normal range. I guess I caught it soon enough so hopefully it won't explode into an infection.

Thank you for your help Wendt Worth.
Oh you know and you don't have to worry. See.. all along you were doing right!! Your welcome btw.
I'm sure my vet thinks I'm crazy worry wort though. :) Which Debbie probably would agree that I worry too much. It's different when the puppy is yours and not your mom's--kind of strange.
We had a similar issue with Sophie shortly after we adopted her. She developed a urinary tract infection which the vet said could have been caused by her being grungy down there. I guess it's a relatively common thing in Corgis. Being a new Corgi owner, I didn't realize that this part of the dog can get especially dirty. She said to wash the area a few times a week with warm water and an antibacterial soap and to keep it as clean as possible. I also have the groomer shave away a lot of the fur in that area as the fur catches dirt and debris that Sophie can't clean by herself. So far, Sophie hasn't had any subsequent infections.
I wasn't sure if I could use antibacterial soap to wash her down there. I'll have to try it. Right now, I am using either wet wipes or baby wipes or just a rag to wipe her down. She's due for another trim too--I've been trimming her with some shears myself at the moment. Well, I'm glad that I'm not the only one with a corgi who doesn't clean herself. I guess she can't contort herself to do it?
I use just a pump of antibacterial hand soap from the dispenser and mix it in a small cup with some warm water, wet a cloth with the soap and water, gently wipe off all the gunk, then rinse and pat dry. So far this routine has worked and we have had no problems with irritations or infections. In fact, the last time I had Sophie in for a checkup, our vet said it looked good down there. I like the idea of baby wipes, so I'll be buying those to use on the days we don't do a "full" cleanup.
Oh, I think you can get antibacterial wipes too...though not sure how good it is to use around sensitive areas.


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