My 1 year old Corgi, Nobu poops more than any dog I've owned. He often goes 4 times a day. Even if he goes during the walk, he sometimes would poop inside the apartment when we are not monitoring him. What's even more disturbing that he always eats the poop when he goes inside the apartment.
Do you think his frequency of pooping, and the fact that he eats it shows health issues?


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My Bertie also pooped a lot, I couldn't get over it! But his poops were healthy looking (isn't amazing that we get obsessed with poop?) -- so I never worried about it much. I just tried to establish a schedule, so he got outside for all those poops, and I have toyed with his food over the years to find a brand that seems to work for his tummy. He's definitely declined in number of poops per day. As for eating the poop -- that's not an issue we've had, but if you poke around the forums, you'll find lots of discussions and suggestions for making the poop less palatable to them. (Bertie much prefers horse and deer poop to his own....)
Algy is a poop machine! I don't think pooping a lot is any sort of problem - at least not as much as WHAT they are pooping out - ie too runny/too hard/blood. Not sure about the eating it thing. I have never run into that one with the dogs we have had. Like Bertie, Algy (and our old dog Delilah) much prefers deer, rabbit and turkey poop.

It's amazing what those crazy critters find appetizing! I think some of this stuff is just being a dog.
Eating poop is pretty standard corgi fare from what I've heard on the boards,
Atlas goes almost everytime we take him outside (which is about 6-8 times a day). He won't eat other dogs poop, but you get him at the dog park and the second it pops out of his behind he is lunging for it.
Our Cricket eats poop every chance she gets. We try our best to clean it up immediately, but sometimes it gets missed and she will find it. If she could find drugs or bombs like she can find poop, she'd could work for the DEA or SWAT team! Kirby used to eat his when he his EPI was undiagnosed, but since he's on medication, that's gone away. There are other threads on this topic, but in our experiencs, it's best to just pick it up immediately when you can.


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