Thought I'd share this recent experience. Over the Christmas holiday I traveled to VA with my miniature dachshund, while my other two dogs went to the pet sitter. While in VA. a dear friend got a foster dog she was evaluating with the intent to adopt him. She pet sits in her home and wanted to make sure the dog, a big Lab, was compatible with that situation. The dog had been taken from a high kill shelter in S.Carolina and driven to VA, where my friend met the dog and the rescue people.
I put off seeing the dog as I did not want to expose mine to him, but broke down after 8 days as I was to return home and figured we were pretty safe by then. On my return home, after a couple of days, my friend informed me the dog was quite ill with a respiratory virus, as was another one of the dogs she had been pet-sitting. Within 10 days of the initial exposure, my doxie came down with it also. I was worried about my other two dogs, especially my 13 yr.old one and decided to try giving them a homeopathic flue preventive " Oscillococcinum " which I and other family members have used, over the years, with success, to prevent colds or flue, if taken early on. I figured I had little to lose.
I gave the dogs 3 doses, approximately 12 hrs. apart ( away from meals ). 5 or 6 granules each in the mouth. Neither got sick and, by now a good three weeks have gone by, so I am passing it on. Can't be sure this is what did it, but it's worth a try if you have a dog who has been exposed to a respiratory virus. Oscillococcinum is available at any heath food store and totally safe.
I've used (and recommended) Oscillococcinum for myself and friends and man does that stuff work! I had a friend who had been super sick and was just not getting better so I gave her a few vials and within a day or two she was almost totally better. Never would have thought to give it to a dog! Best way to prevent respiratory bugs is to keep your pet away from any dog that has been boarded or rescued within 14 days. Most shelters/pounds will actually say to keep your new pet isolated for 14 days bc of this. It generally takes 10 days for symptoms to show up so if there are no symptoms in 14 days then your pup is likely not infected.
I knew I was taking a chance with my friend's dog. Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you....
yeah my best friend adopted a dog and wanted to bring him over to show me, of course he was showing no symptoms but my two came down with kennel cough shortly after. I learned that one the hard way! Lol
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