I've talked with people about this before and still don't have it settled in my mind. I know dogs are pack animals and have been raised around other, their siblings, Mom and Dad, etc. I also know most will settle down into homes when they get 8-12 weeks old and do well but what if that particular one is older-say 1-3 years old and has always been around others of his/her kind and now is living alone with his Dad. In my case I live alone and there's just me and Bubba. Many times I think he "looks" like he misses being around the others he left behind, judging from a recent visit to see his breeder and being around old buddies he once had.

When I say he "looks" like he misses them I mean he looks like he mopes and has no interest in much and at times won't even chew on his favorite chew item-the C.E.T. Dental chews. He'll lick it a little and then put his head back down or he won't show any interest in his teddies he plays with. Many times he'll retire to his crate during the day until I call him out or hke'll come out on his own after awhile. I'll take him out to PetsMart or other such places and he really don't act friendly to the other dogs but just turns his back on them mostly. He's never aggressive just coy or stoic about others. When we went to see his breeder he was around his own kind and was an entirely different boy there, smiling and loving up to several, especially his ol' buddy Sonny.

Maybe I'm trying to make more out of this than there is using human psychology as I know zilch about dog psychology but try to read his body language and at times he just looks miserable even though he has the best any Corgi could want. It's just puzzling to me and I don't know if another companion Corgi would perk him up or not.Perhapas he's just a loner most of the time and this is just him...just fishing for opinions.

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That may have been one of Bonnie's you're thinking about. I didn't have Bubba at that time of the picnic in Kingsport-it was two months later. I still can't get over that Fluffy Cardigan. What a beautiful boy he was.

Tucker does indeed sound a lot lot Bubba but unlike Tucker, Bubba never did mind car rides. He had never been in a car much until the long trip from KY back to TN and did superb, never uttered a sound but just observed his surroundings. He didn't want to get out of the car at the first rest stop and his whole hind quarters were quivering when I tried to get him out. Probably scared not knowing where he was or what was going to happen to him as he had never been away from home before and was with strangers)me and my sister). Once home, he seemed to mesh right in, surprisingly and even did good on his first walk.

One of the first times UPS brought a package and knocked on the door, he jumped off the couch and went downstairs as if he wanted nothing to do with what was behind the door. I called him back up and showed him the box, lowered it so he could sniff it and after he did seemed unconcerned and went to his crate. I went ahead and opened the box( had a toy in there for me!) and took it back to him so he could see what was inside. He still does this and I've got so I just ignore his behavior with this but I never get upset about it. He'll eventualy come out and may go sniff the box on his own and I'll show him what was inside by holding it up maybe saying, "Look, Bubby-look what Daddy's got!!" He wasn't as impressed with my new Nikon as I was, unfortunately.

I don't do dog parks. A play date with another Corgi may help hone the edge off his shyness if it happened often enougoh. Once a week for just a few hours would help, IMO. I dont know if he feels isolated since he had always been around other Corgis until I got him and now very seldom sees any much less has any interaction with them. This was the primary reason I had even considered getting another mostly for him.

Bubba's never been been whiney and in fact, he's not very vocal at all other than the funny noises he makes yawning at times or he'll bark wanting me to come to bed occasionally. He's the quietest fellow I've seen. The three days we were at Rebecca's he never barked once. He will, however, bark at the guy next door for some unknown reason but it's not long and drawn out just a woof-woof maybe three times and that's it. I hadn't noticed he even seen me leaving the room and going outside while at Rebecca's until they told me about it. He was quite the velcro while we were there.

I'm anxious to see how he responds to the female Corgi my sister is getting in about another month. He met her at Rebecca's and was very enchanted by her and she'll be coming to the house for a couple of days before she heads to NC with my sister. I should be able to glean something from this meeting and hopefully discern as to whether another would be beneficial or not. I wish at times Bubba had inherited some of his aunt's personality. Buttercup knows no strangers and welcomes anyone with a wagging tail, big smile, just knowing you came to see per personally and have a pocket full of treats all for her. She is a sweetie.
Not a doggie behaviorist- so this is just off the cuff... It sounds like Bubba has a little bit of separation anxiety going there (you leave he gets whiney). You want to help boost self confidence and associate good things when you're out of the room (my solution has always been a peanut butter filled kong) Don't worry he'll still love you and miss you but it takes the edge off the "leaving the room" thing.

It also sounds like Bubba needs a bit more doggie solcialization time. Doggie daycare is great for this. Find one which has a web cam so you can watch from the computer and make sure the staff are doing their job. I also made sure I found one which separates large and small dogs.




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