Hey all:

Donny is doing great socialization-wise. I'm attempting the 100-strangers-by-4 months challenge and I think we're on 30 people so far. He's also met (in safe, non-diseased conditions) a great dane and an adult corgi, and had a puppy playdate today with an Aussie named Slider. (Thanks Tracy, for once he's pooped!). 
He's extremely friendly and loving to everyone and every dog he meets. I of course don't get much affection or nub-wagging, but I figure it's because he sees me every day. 

My question is, when we're interacting, he likes to sit just out of arm's reach of me. Especially if we're doing training or treats are involved. 

He has no problem coming closer, but I have to ask him to do so each time, and then he scoots away (backwards) on his butt. It's pretty funny, but strange. Is he being respectful? Is this a dominance thing? Is his vision poor at this age, and he has to back up to see me? 

Does this happen to anyone else?  

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hmmm..... do you mean he sat in front of you with his back facing you, when you call his name, he THEN scoots back? Did you capture it on video by any chance?
I don't have a camera in the house :(
The scooting happens after he's already engaged. Basically he will be focused on me, facing me, and without his eyes leaving my face and the treat in my hand he will scoot further and further back until he's just out of arm's reach... and usually out of range of whatever training exercise we're doing, since he's learning hand commands.
i'm just guessing since i haven't actually seen it, but i'd tend to think he's being respectful. Esp if he does it when you have treats (food) or something else that's valuable like a toy or whatever. Puppies are usually taught by older/more dominant dogs that they may NOT snatch something like that, it is a big no-no! :) he's probably respecting your space. unless you determine that it's something else other than respect, i'd encourage him to keep it that way. my Heidi doesn't do the same behavior (scooting back), but she gives me space when i'm eating and it's really nice. esp in the car, where there's not a lot of room, i can pretty much put a hamburger down an inch from her nose and she won't touch it. she might drool a little, though. :) it comes in handy. :)

but i'm interested in other people's opinions too. if you got it on video like Sam said, it would be easier to tell.


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