silly question. This is my first ever dog, and my first ever corgi, so I'm not too sure about a lot of things. I guess it's sort of a poll. How often do you guys bathe your dogs? I had a trainer that said it should be done once a month, is this enough? and does anyone know about tooth and nail maintenance? I read that if you clip nails at a young age, the quick is supposed to stay shorter (and sometimes ppl clip the quick to make them shorter?<---sounds kind of cruel to me)? thanks in advance

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The standard training method is to give him chicken(or something else really good) while brushing for brief periods. My corgi, Sparty, has never liked being brushed no matter what I have tried. He is very sensitive and a bit anxious. So I either pick clumps out or muzzle him and comb him with a wide toothed comb. My other corgi is fine and I use either the furminator (gently), the wide toothed comb, or a fine tooth brush. Bath time is easier. I take them in the shower with treats and other than looking pitiful they do pretty good. I bathe them about once a month when the weather is good with a mild doggie shampoo. We walk a lot in the woods and they tend to roll in stinky stuff!
Edward hates to be brushed--to the max...looks pitiful and moans to me the whole time. Loves the treat at the end but it is like torture. He even goes into his crate if he sees me pick up the brush--so I do the bate and switch--switch brush and brush the cat right there--he hates the cat getting attention and as the cat, Wilbur, loves to be brushed...Edward can hardly stand it and usually comes out and goes to the far side of the room....then I can corner him long enough to get at least one little dogs worth of hair off of him before I give him a treat and let him go. Pitiful for a dog who has two tons of hair coming off.
About Kipper getting upset when you pet another dog: Chester is quite territorial, too. He doesn't want any other dogs near any of us (his pack, after all).

I've picked up good training tips from two sources: The Monks of New Skete (they have books that are excellent) and The Dog Whisperer. You may have to create some situations with a very mellow dog.
I have been using the furminator on my corgis.It seems to get the under coat all out. Since they shed so much I try to brush with a wire brush at least once a week and use the furmanator when I bathe them which is about every 4 to 6 weeks sometimes we go a little longer in the winter months without a bath. But I try to brush as often as I can. The furminator works real well for me.
A goo good hydrobath will get rid of all the loose fur underneath the top coat. I use a metal comb which has wider teeth at one end and smaller at the other and this combs out a lot of the fur. Our dogs in Australia are just shedding their summer coats and they have big dags of fur on them and we have to be careful because we do not want them bald for the show ring. Ann
okay, what is a furminator?
Not sure if this link will work: FURminator deShedding Tools :

It's a special type of comb that pulls out the loose undercoat. I've been told to use it with discretion as it will continue to remove hair as long as you keep using it... I've just tried it a couple times, with great results on my Corgi. Can't wait to try it on my Shepherd. They both shed like crazy.
The furminator! We use this on Chester and a metal comb - works very well. We didn't know how much corgis shed until we put down our deposit on 8 week old Chester, went to the pet store to get supplies and saw pictures of corgis on the "heavy shedding" brushes. Oh no! But our house wouldn't be the same without all the fur.
I never bathe either my Corgi or my White Shepherd - I just brush them on a regular basis, and they look great. No smell at all - that's probably due to their great diet. I use a pin brush most of the time, and lately have had amazing results with the Furminator, which really gets the loose undercoat out. Of course my Corgi has a wading pool, and jumps through the spray when I'm watering the garden, so she does get rinsed off on occasion.

As far as dental care goes, I recommend Petzlife Dental Spray or gel. It's a great product that definitely keeps plaque from forming, or removes it if your dog has some. If you can't find it locally, you can get it at

I trim my Corgi's nails every couple months or so.
I find walking my dog regularly on the pavement keeps his nails short enough so I don't have to clip them.
Lucky has the don't touch my feet vet thought she could do his nails and went through an entire can of Easy Cheese and didn't get one nail done!! I find that some groomers or vet techs are better than others (he won't let me near him) I would like to use the new dremmel tool to see if it would be better than clipping. Sonny doesn't mind the clipping, but he is so big I can't handle him. Lately, we have been going to PetSmart and there are two people there who are excellent with my boys, our local Petco had one gal who muzzled Lucky, knowing that he had a bad back, etc, and we had to talk to her supervisor about her lack of ability with our dog.
I work at a veterinarian office as a vet tech assistant and we just got a dremmel to start using. The dogs seem to respond to it better than the clipping because its a constant noise rather than the sharp pop of clipping nails. Also you can get closer to the quick and round off the nails


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