Good morning!!! I have a quick question for you all whose corgis have been neutered.

Trice is getting his staples removed on 5/30. How soon after can I take him to public areas such as the dog beach or dog park? His 1st birthday is on 5/31 and I wanted to take him to an off-leash dog beach since he's never been.

Thank you in advance!

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I did not get any special directions from my vet for Leo. He also did not have staples to remove. I just had to keep him quiet at home for a few days.
I would jsut ask the vet when he removes the staples. I think usually once the stitches/staples are removed they are ready to resume regular activity levels - but you can double check. Tucker was completely himself by then and we didn't restrict his activity any longer.

We took him to the off leash dog park for his 1st birthday last weekend :) He looooves the dog park. Wish there were more dog beaches on the east coast. Have fun!
usually 7 days. Dog beach sounds awesome :)
Thanks for the feedback guys! I was thinking of waiting about a week or two to take him to the beach. I'm just glad I'll be able to take off his Pro Collar (he wiggled out of his Ecollar and pulled his staples out within a week) and take him on regular walks again.

We have a couple choices of off leash dog beaches within driving distance from me here in So Cali. I'm looking forward to it! =)


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