Reagan, my red headed-tri, has managed to rupture his ACL. It's completely torn.
Has anyone had experience with this? He's due for surgery on Thursday.
I've only had experience with a cat. My last cat got his leg shut in the storm door and tore both the anterior and posterior ACL in that leg. He had surgery the next day. The hardest part was no activity for several weeks. Well it also took two people to pill him twice a day.I kept my cat in an extra large dog crate. Then he could be out when I was home to constantly watch him. Keeping a cat from jumping was nearly impossible. In the end it healed well and didn't limit him too much. He only went outside on a harness after that.
Here is a link to several past discussions and blogs about torn ACL. It is quite common and I know several owners on here have dealt with it. My big dog ruptured his cruciate and we did the TPLO surgery, he walked out of the hospital bearing weight on all four legs the day after surgery and never had a lame step the rest of his life. I know others who have done the "fishing line" repair with success as well.
My Poppet had ACL surgery about 4 weeks ago and is doing well. She started with 2 five minute walks a day and only out to potty on a leash. She also is getting 6 laser treatments and hydro-therapy. this week we are going to try 2 10 min. walks a day. She is still only allowed out to potty on a leash and otherwise is still confined. we set up a small pen in the family room which her bed and a water bowl fits. there is also a little space for her to lay down outside her bed. the confinement has been difficult but she has been a very good girl. sometimes I give her a natural calming aid. I am not sure how long the confinement will last, i think the dr said maybe 8 weeks depending on how she is doing. I hope Reagan does well with the surgery.
Lilly completely tore hers last Oct. and had surgery. The hardest part was definitely keeping her quiet, she really didn't understand having to go out in the yard on a leash to do her business. We were diligent with the hot / cold compresses and her range of motion twice a day. I initially was thinking of taking her for water therapy (we have a dog pool here) but she basically rehabbed herself (streching that hind leg, etc.) and is as good as new.
How did Lilly tolerate the cold compresses? I'm worried Reagan might not like them.
I can't say they were her favorite (the poor thing would shiver). I used a gel pack and put a wet wash cloth between it and her leg. She definitely liked the warn ones better. But I just kept telling her she would be up running around faster this way.
Yes. Email me.
Both my corgis have torn their acl. One had double surgery on both knees at the same time. Poor puppy. But both are healed and running around like crazy corgis again. M second dog is way more high energy and rehabbing was harder for him (he doesn't walk-he has one gear and it is fast!) Be sure to keep their weight in check so that they don't cause any excess stress to the joints. I also started joint supplements (Lubrysin) and adequan injections to keep them feeling good. Sometimes an NSAID after a big day. The injury will cause arthritis to develop so the goal is to slow it down so they can be functional for longer.
My previous Corgi "Mylo" tore both his ACL's. We had the TPLO procedure done and he did fantastic. The ACL repair surgery also has a very good success rate. Be sure to strictly confine and leash walk only after surgery. Follow all the doctors instructions and he will be all healed up in no time! I also continued to give Dasuquin for joint support and fed Hill's Prescription J/D, the miracle food! Good Luck. Dee
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