I have a Pembroke that will be two years old in June.  Ever since I got her, she has always sat down strangely.  When she sits, she sort of rolls over onto her back right leg--her right leg is always tucked underneath her body when she is sitting.  Has anyone else had a dog that does this? And does it affect them at all? About a year ago, she was limping on and off, only after sleeping for awhile.  I took her to the vet, and he said she was overweight (at the time she weighed 30 pounds) and he said that when she sits (because she sits on her leg) or when she lays down for a long time, being that she was overweight, her leg was falling asleep.  The limping was due to her leg being asleep, and once it wore off, she stopped limping. Has anyone heard of this, either? It seemed legitimate because they put her on prescription food and as soon as she lost just one pound, the limping stopped completely. I was just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience.

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Winston always seems to sit like this (in the attached photo). Is this similar to what you mean? I've never seen another dog sit like this. Winston seems to also be so lazy that he uses his leg as an "armrest" for his front paw. Haha.


Winston isn't overweight, but if it were up to him he would be! I think their stubby legs create all sorts of strange things that we just don't witness with dogs that have more length. Who knows. Hopefully someone else can add something more useful to this.

That's exactly how she sits! I've never seen/heard of another dog doing it before! Good to know she's not so strange after all haha.

Hi Katy,

Yes, there are other dogs that does this. 

No, it doesn't affect them.

Your vet is correct, just like human, inadequate blood circulation to the muscle can cause this.

Thanks! That makes me feel better :)
And here I thought only Lilly sat that way!  She only does it when she is sitting at our feet by the sofa looking up for pets.  Otherwise she sits "normal".... too funny


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