Hi everyone, It's been a while since I posted but I really Really need some help. I took Grover hiking today in the woods and we both got covered in seed ticks, these very VERY tiny brown ticks (the size of a pin head or smaller). I was easily fixed up. But Grover is in a mess. He has been dosed with Frontline on July 25th, so I clearly it has no effect on seed ticks. I gave him a bath as soon as we got home in regular dog shampoo, not realizing the extent to which he was infested. As I was drying him I realized they were ALL OVER HIM. In the Millions!! I locked him in the bath room and called the emergency vet. They basically told me that I should try bathing him in flea/tick shampoo and that they weren't sure what to do exactly because this wasn't their area of expertise. Okay, so I get Tick Shampoo with Citrus from PetCo and we have another bath. More come off, but his fur is so dense that they are still there. I tried brushing him with a flea/tick comb, but it does not good for the ones that are so close to the skin.

Any suggestions? I can take him to the vet tomorrow morning, of course. But can they fix this? I think it's too early to apply the Frontline again. Some of the ticks that are on him look dead. I have two cats and I'm terrified, also, that he'll infest my house. Anyone have this issue before? Help!

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Yes,to what Beth said.  Don't wait for blood tests to come back normal, do the doxy now.  Insist on it.  It takes about a week to get a positive test but if you can head it off, that is the best.  We've had all 3 tick diseases here (Lymes, Ehrlichiosis & now Anaplasmosis).  The dog with the Lymes was a 6 month old lab back in 99, they had that wait and wait test then and vet just guessed cause he was so sick.  This past March our setter got Ehrlich and was very sick....now last week he was in for his cancer blood work and he tested possible for Anaplas but was not sick but on Doxy for 4 weeks again.  Of course he is comprimised due to his cancer.  Corgis so far OK.  Yes, I switched from Frontline in March to Advantix 2 and it works better forsure.  I too HATE using chemicals, but gotta due it I guess, tick bourne diseases are BAD!


As for the bathing, Janell suggested the oatmeal shampoo, that is an excellent idea cause it is soothing....have never done mineral oil but I would guess it would smother those little suckers too!  A great shampoo I found is actually hand made soap bar with Rose Geranim essential oil in it (natural repellant and smells good too) it from www.prairielandherbs.com and I love it.  I also use a mist I make with RG EO and distilled water.  Of course with as bad as ticks are now, use the Advantix too!


My BF jusr had the same experience as you with her Frenchie....and this is what she did too.  Her vet was the one that put Charlotte on the doxy instead of waiting and they will do a 4DX test in a couple weeks to make sure nothing developed.


Good Luck, its just an AWFUL thing those ticks are:(~


Nancy, Katie, Jack, Squirt (the setter) and angels Emma Anne & Travis

AAhhh! We were just at our place on the eastern shore (MD) & got into a nest of seed ticks too! My husband & I are covered in bites, & my poor corgi Annie had so many on her...I hate ticks!! We called a local vet, who suggested tick shampoo & re-application of her flea/tick med. That was 2 days ago, and I've been brushing a ton of dead ticks out of Annie. She is so itchy!! But seems to be improving & those horrible ticks are dead, but so difficult to find in her dense fur. Annie has had the Lyme vaccine, does she still need to be tested? Hate ticks!!!


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