We moved our 12 year old male Pembroke Gus to Fort Lauderdale with us in June. The weather in NY and FL were virtually the same the month of June - very hot and very humid. Since coming to South Florida, Gus has been developing hot spots above his backbone, first over his hips and then over his shoulders. He now hates to be brushed (he used to love to be raked especially in the NY summers to take that excess fur off) and the latest development were puss-filled systs in his armpits. We took Gus to the vet each time we noticed an issue. We have been bathing him twice a week with medicated shampoo ever since this started (October). This is now his third round of anti-biotics and steroids. I'm concerned that this treatment is symptom-based and not addressing a greater problem. He is otherwise in great spirits and health, just some shaking in the back legs after playing fetch or running alot.
Any similar experiences or advice to share?