I feel like I got taken to the cleaners but my new vet! I had a really good vet who retired from practice, must be nice to retire at the ripe old age of 45yrs =0]. SO, hence my need for a new one, and how more convenient could you get then just down the street! I’m in Dickinson Texas, BTW.
I left Maizy there for a four night stay. In that time period they did NOT give her the Boardatella (SP?) vaccine until the day we picked her up AND they did some kind of stool culture (apparently I signed that it was okay for them to give her treatment that they might need too), charged us for it, with only the explanation that “this test was due.” My husband who went to pick her up did not know to ask why it was not given to her sooner, and since she was already leaving, why did they insist that she have it done anyway?!
Also they are overly aggressive on the two times I have taken her for check ups. They bring out a list about a mile long of all the vaccines that they “have” to give her!
Can some tell me what vaccines are REALLY needed to keep Maizy safe? Now like any mother I do want what’s best for her, but not what is UNNESSARRY. I’d hate to think that this vet place is really only looking after the final dollar and not what is best for my girl!