Ein takes Trifexis for parasite protection and I'm pleased with it. It does not provide protection against ticks, but we don't seem to have ticks around here anyway. Around Christmas, we'll be spending a week in an area where she may be exposed to ticks. It'll be in an area with wilderness and we'll probably do some hiking. 

Should I ask my vet if I can buy a single dose of a topical treatment that protects against ticks (and a single dose of heartgard) and skip the trifexis for December? Should Ein get a Lyme vaccination?

I would have asked the vet already but I have a feeling they'll just say, "It's up to you" which is what they always say and it drives me crazy. I'm calling for THEIR opinion!

And if I can't buy a single dose of Frontline, would it be crazy to risk it and hope she doesn't get any ticks? Are ticks even active in the winter? I don't want six months of Frontline I don't want to use. I hate topical treatments (AND I'd have to buy six months of heartguard, too!)

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The reps from Trifexis recommend the Preventic collar for temporary protection. Just put the tick collar on for that week then you can take it off and if you put it in a bag and store it in your freezer it is good for 6 to 12 months.

Your vet should sell single doses of a topical treatment, you can apply Frontline with Trifexis no problem. I'd skip the lyme vaccine myself since ticks have to be on the dog for several hours before transmitting the disease. Just apply frontline or use the Preventic collar and you should be fine.

The fac that your vet often says its up to you makes me think you need to go find a new vet. They should be there to support and help you when you ask questions not just tell you to figure it out yourself.

Well, I guess to clarify, when they tell me "it's up to you", that's when I call and talk to one of the vet techs. And I can understand why they can't give definitive advice, but if I want to talk to an actual vet, I have to leave a message and wait for them to call me back. I'll ask about the frontline tomorrow!

Hi Ingrid!  You don't say where you and Ein are going for a trip, but yes, unfortuanately ticks can be active YEAR ROUND in many places...and the way this winter is looking so far with it being so warm again, those ugly buggers are still around.  I use Andvantix II for my crowd...I usually stop in winter, which I did last year and our English Setter ended up with a tick disease in early March and found ticks on the Corgis too late winter...grrrr!  We used to use Frontline but found the new line of Advantix to work better.


I don't like using any type of toxic thing on them BUT its better than getting the diseases!  A friend of mine has has real good luck with her Frenchie using Rose Geranuim essential oil in a spray...but her dog has such a thin coat even if a tick was on her you would see it, except for those nasty seed ticks which she ended up getting by the 100's and ended up taking doxy as a preventative.


Heartguard is for worms, not tick diseases...I've always laughed and said my first question to God when I go to Heaven is "Why did you make ticks???" 


So I guess my advice would be to try and get a single dose of the Advantix II or Frontline....if you have to buy a 3 pack, I would just refridgerate the remaining as you will never know if you need it again.  As for the Preventick collars...well our Setter HAD one on when he contacted the latest tick disease, sooooo....What ever you do be sure to check EIN real well every night, esp under the armpits where their fur is thinner, on their chest and ears...thats where mine have gotten bit.  Best of luck and Merry Christmas!!  Corgi licks from Jack & Kate (and wishes from mom Nancy too:)

The most effective anti-tick med may depend on resistance in the tick population. It might be a good idea to call a vet in the area your visiting and ask what they give out to the locals. You can definitely get a single dose of anti-tick medicine at the vet or if not you can find 3 packs in a pet supply store.


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