Where did my sweet Owen go? Well I realize he has had his ups and downs but I feel like he is going through a nasty phase. He is almost six months (next fri) and not fixed yet. He can not be penned in the hallway by anything that is not screwed in the wall. He has pushed through everything we have used to barracade him in! So we are getting a better gate. He is not trustworthy in the open in the house. A few times he got out this last week I don't know where he finds it but paper is shredded through out the house!
Also Owen was coming when called but all of a sudden is his halfway down the neighborhood if he isn't on leash! Even in the house when I came home from work to let him out - he went nuts (got out of his pen earlier) and wouldn't let me get his leash on. His leash wrestling is back too!
So help?! Is this a phase. On our part we have only taken him on one long walk after work. So he will now get a medium walk in the morning and a short one at lunch if I don't have a lunch meeting. The screw in the wall gate will go up. We are feeding him 1/2 cup/3 times a day and he is 18.5 lbs- is that too much? Any other ideas.