so its been awhile since i could actually get on here and see how everyone is doing because thanks to the economy not very many people are buying dog training classes because they are just too much for some (i dont blame them) so i was forced to get another part time job working at kennels for a animal clinic. its not the best job but hey, its another pay check but the biggest perk is i get free exams since i work there:)


anyways it took time for teddy to get use to my new schedule, feeding, walking, etc. and apparently so were the cats and as most people know cats dont usually show how they feel but over the past few weeks they have shown me that they are bored and want attention, so this is what they did.


everyday i would come home to find that teddy has already eaten, as he had a HUGE belly. he has eaten honey buns, cans of food, garbage, bread, tortilla wraps, chips, treats, cat treats, apples, bananas, card board, & packing peanuts! pretty much u name it, he ate it.

 at first i thought he was some how he was getting it off the counter so i would just push things back further and put the garbage can up on the counter. nope kept happening.  so i put everything in the cupboard. still, it was happening. finally i had enough and i pretended to leave and looked into my window. sure enough the cat tried to knock down everything off the table and got into the cupboard to get the food out to knock it down! 

they sure were surprised to see me barge in on them in the act. so now i have to rotate locking up the cats and teddy in the Den. teddy at night and then during the day the cats are locked up...ugh


and with that being said yesterday i forgot to lock the cats up and sure enough they knocked a half a loaf of bread down and teddy ate it. his belly was so swelled he could barley walk. i took him to the vet i work at and he said it will pass but dont feed him at all today. funny thing is he still wanted his dinner....o teddy 

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I was laughing (only because Teddy is going to be okay). This reminded me of something that happened yesterday morning. I was making lunches and the brand new bag of goldfish crackers fell off the counter. Of course you could count on Noodles being right there and you could see his bunny butt shaking and hear the crunching of crackers. I told him "No" and he backed up. He looked so confused as to why I dumped all these crackers on the ground and wasn't allowing him to eat them all. I scooped most of them up in the garbage can, but left some on the ground for Noodles to clean up. The whole time I was cleaning them up, he was drooling (gross). I had to laugh because what else could I was my fault for not making sure the bag was secure on the counter. Again, if Noodles has been given the chance to eat all those crackers, he would have still wanted his good-boy treat (what he gets before we leave for work) and dinner that night. Oh corgi's and their bottomless bellies (or so they think).
lol thats to cute. i bet he was very happy to have some crackers:)

naughty kitties!!  Too funny, this is a good story for the corgis caught in crime club, but wait they are the innocent ones, lol. 


I also have a story to share, although there is no kitty to blame here!  I heard Tucker eating something, I went to investigate what it was and he had tore open a package of hamburger buns and had eaten about 4 or 5!!!  Silly me, didn't think much of it and still fed him his dinner and umm, yeah I regretted it.  He left a not so nice mess all over the family room carpet, thank goodness for the hoover steam cleaner I had just bought not too long before that!!!

Thank Goodness Teddy is ok, and good job busting the kitties, lol!!!!

haha thank u:) i know what u mean about the steam cleaner, they sure are a carper saver! it did make me wonder how he got the hamburger buns, did my cats sneak over to your house? LOL
lol..oops I did leave out some details...they had fallen off of a shelf from the pantry, and we didn't realize they were on the floor but Tucker did!!!  LOL..yeah we can blame your kitties.  :)
It is always the cats fault. I dont have one but I still blame the cat
lol its always good to blame someone or in this case my two cats
The cat gave an entire sausage to Fixil once by batting it off the counter. I thought he was chewing on his bone and by the time I noticed he had eaten the whole thing! I'm glad to know I'm not the only household where the animals are in collusion.
o wow, the whole thing? i bet he enjoyed that, looks like our cats sure do cause a lot of trouble lol
It is more of a conspiracy around here. I still love them. It takes alot of planning on their part. Dino has learned to open the refrigerator. I am trying to get it on tape.
its really makes u wonder what else they do while we are gone. i hope u do get it on tape as that would be something really neat to say but then again i hope u find a way to keep him out of your fridge
We were on the deck Thursday enjoying Iowa Indian Summer when Rosie came out the dog door and quietly walked past us with her head turned away. We saw something red and round in her mouth. She had stolen a whole tomato out of a 5 gal bucket my husband had left on the floor. She ate the whole thing, she loves tomatoes. The next day, the hubby was putting tomatoes in the freezer and set another 5 gal bucket on the floor, dippy man, and left the room. By the time he got back, she had stolen one and took it to the living room to eat it, then went back and got another one and had half of it gone by the time he found her. Tomato juice is hard to get out of a gray carpet!!! Surprisingly, she didn't get sick, no icky poops!! Hooray!!! I'm surprised Rocky wasn't helping himself to the bounty!! Rosie has been know to pick her own green beans and they both will steal cherry tomatoes from the garden if the hubby takes them out there with him. The yard fence keeps them out of the veggie garden!


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