Hi Everyone!!

I've read most of the other discussions regarding barky corgis and there are many wonderful suggestions. I'm starting to try out a couple of the methods, but there is one situation that I seem lost on what to do. My (now) 2 yr old corgi, Penny, fits the category of barking at anything that moves- rain, leaves, squirrels! and people. We let her sleep indoors at night, so thankfully I don't have the problem of her barking at night. In the mornings I let her out to get water and do her business as I get ready for work. BUT, once I let her out into our large barkyard, within the first hour she is barking at whatever. She usually runs to the very furthest back corner of my yard to where we have taller trees. I'm sure it's because she hears squirrels or other animals up there. So my question is how do I control her barking when she is half a softball field away from me?

The spray bottle technique seems to work when she is indoors or close enough to me where the water can actually reach her. Someone recommended using a hose to spray her for a longer reach, but once I step outside to go for the hose, she's already stopped barking and running towards me because she hears the backdoor open. I like the idea of teaching her command of when to speak and when to be quiet, but once again these seem to work better when she is in a close proximity to me. My old grumpy neighbors are already complaining that she barks too much in the mornings and I don't want to resort to an electronic collar or anything. I'm keeping her indoors more when I'm gone, but I feel bad that we have such a large backyard for her to enjoy and she's stuck indoors.

Any suggestions will be glady and gratefully appreciated! Thanks!

- Penny's mom

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They make a device that emits a high frequency sound or other ones that spray citronella that you can place in the corner and when the dog runs over there to bark it activates the device and it will deter barking. Worth a try before trying something like a shock collar.


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