Abbey, our 7 month old corgi, gave us quite a fright yesterday morning.  I let her out of her crate and she could not get her balance, she kept falling over, like her legs were rubber.  Scared me to tears!  I called my husband and he immediately said, "She has a tick on her spine."  Well he checked her over several times and could not find anything, then as I was getting ready to haul her to the vet...he showed me a large tick that he removed from under her collar. The tick was at the base of her skull and her spine.....

When he removed the tick, she began to get better immediately.  We kept her calm and quiet for several hours.  I tried to call our vets office, but they were closed so today I will call them and tell them what happened and see what they recommend that we do for her.

We live in a very wooded area (rural living, nothing like it!) and ticks are not uncommon at all! Abbey is an inside pup, but she frequents the outdoors to potty.  I had just cleaned her ears the day before and checked for ticks, but did not think to  look under her collar.  The collar is off!  I put it on when she goes out so that I can hook her leash to it....then when she comes back in...we will be taking the collar off.

Just wanted to share this experience with you.  I hope none of you encounter the experience we had, but it definitely made  me more aware of the dangers ticks can cause.




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We use Vectra 3D... It's been great! It repels ticks as well as kills them if they do happen to latch on. Our vet recommended it. We take Trifexis as well. Oh and we've done the Lyme vaccine.

We moved out to an acreage last fall, and ticks are HORRIBLE!!  We took the dogs collars off after we found multiple ticks under their collars like you.  They only get put on when they go out now, and off when they come back in.

Anne, what part of the country do you live in? Do you, or John, know if this illness is regional or specific to certain types of tick?

We've been seeing lots of ticks in WI this year, but I've only see the wood tick, no deer ticks (of course, you can't see those :)

  We are using Trifexis for our new Corgi, it comes highly recommended by our vet.  We used both ADVANTIX and Frontline Plus on our Golden for many years and never had any problems. Living in Florida, ticks can be a big problem. 


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