Bubba was running up the steps of the deck Friday a week ago and tripped. His back left foot missed the wooden step and I heard a thud to see him try agin only doing it once more. He never fell backwards but just continued on. Later that evening I noticed him limping and favoring that leg. I thought he'd be ok after a couple of days so just watched him closely.


By Tuesday, four days later, he wouldn't try jumping on the couch at all and would bunny hop down the hall instead of walking. It rained a little later on and afterwards we went outside for a potty break. I always dry his feet and chest off  and noticed when I tried picking up his right rear leg he didn't want to give it up. It was like it weighed 20 pounds. However, the left leg was no problem at all as he was putting very little weight on it.


I called the vet and took him in for diagnosis and was told he most likely had sprained some muscle/tendon at his knee. I don't know how she determined where a Corgi's knee is as you can't see that very well. At any rate, he was put on an anti-inflammatory drug whose name escapes me at the moment, being at work but, it starts with a "C". I was told if there's not a substantial change in him over the next several days, they may have to mildly sedate him and take x-rays...perhaps he'd have to undergo surgery.


He has done much better, only limping about five seconds yesterday after I got home and even jumped on the couch by himself. I've been picking him up, placing him on the couch with me and then lifting him off. Bottom line is this. Has anyone had an accident like this and was surgery necessary in the end?

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How does he behave when you touch the leg (or drumstick, as my husband calls it)? I would think that if it were a joint or bone injury he would object to being touched at all, whereas a gentle touch would be tolerated if it is only muscle or soft tissue damage? I have, unfortunately, found that some vets (not my regular vet - I love them) are eager to perform a surgery even when not absolutely necessary because that's where the big bucks are. If he doesn't object to a gentle touch I'd give him time. It sounds like he's already improving? Hope he's back on all four drumsticks soon!
Befor I even took him to the vet, I did a little "doctoring" of my own. I moved is leg around, back and forth, up and down at about every angle it would move and he never flinched. the vet basically did the same thing I did with a few other prods and probes in the knee area and no reaction from him.

I honestly don't think it's a torn ACL. He goes up and down the staircase, steps on the deck just as always and he'll go out in the yard, pee and then use both hind legs to scrathc up the grass and then take off in a short burst like he did something wrong. If he can do that, I can't see how it could be too severe.

The vet mentioned if it came down to surgery it would probably cost between $1200-3000 and I wouldn't care if it were necessary. What price can you put on a loved one? I just don't like the fact someone cutting on him and sedating him-that's my greatest fear and especially when it most likely wouldn't be necessary.
Lucky was on Rimadyl yrs ago with no probs. I'd finish the meds even if you are seeing improvement (kinda like antibiotics) then ask vet about hydrotherapy for strengthening. Hope he continues to improve


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