Whenever I bring Ein places or whenever people would come over, people don't watch their step and would trip over him, sometimes end up stepping on his poor stubby feet. Does your corgi get tripped over upon and how do you deal with it?

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Ugh... my boyfriend trips/steps on Shippo all the time, because he doesn't pay ANY attention to where he's putting those big boots of his! It drives me nuts, but I try not to make a big deal of it, because it only stresses Shippo out more. So I just calmly tell him to PLEASE watch his step. But then again, I know him, so I can say that to him without it being rude lol...
I trip over my chorgi more than Duncan. She is quiet and has a habit of laying down right behind me when I'm doing something in the kitchen and I turn around and about fall.

I did trip over her last year in the backyard while I was with the grandkids painting clay pots and planting flowers with them. I turned and went flying to the ground. Knock the wind right out of me. I haven't had that happen to me in years!!! Scared my stepdaughter to death for a minute until she saw I was okay, then she started giggling. The little snot...LOL!
It is a good idea to teach your dogs to move when you travel around the home. While they may look comfortable they can move and find another area to settle in. The more dogs become aware of the traveling of the humans in the house the less likely they are to get stepped on. Often times we create this behavior by always stepping over or around them. Certainly we can not see in the dark if we get up at night so if they learn to move you are less likely to trip over them. It also helps them "respect" your position and be aware of your movements.
Chloe has gotten better about getting right behind me since that fall last summer. Seems whenever I say "Chloe, move" and not in a mean or stern voice, she seems to hunker down even more. I have no idea what she went through in her previous home, but I have my suspicions. My husband and I have seen signs of some kind of abuse, especially when he speaks to her. It about broke his heart, the first time he raised his voice at her, and she laid there shaking. He hasn't really raised his voice to her since then. Thank goodness, she is well behaved. Duncan on the other hand....(sigh), typical boy; likes to test the limits.

She does seem to know where to lay in the bedroom to avoid being stepped on during the night, now. I put little night lights near the door when we first got her, cause she's a sable and so dark, at nights, we would always step on her.

Duncan usually moves as you are walking about, sometimes, to the front of you to try and change your direction. My husband tries to sidestep him, which is futile. I told him to keep walking straight, and let his leg bump his butt and he'll move. Duncan usually walks behind me, because of that, but bumping my leg with his shoulder to keep me moving along. The downfall of having a herder in your house...LOL.


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