URGENT! Corgi propaganda! Vote for Al. WTA photo contest!

URGENT!  Washington Trails Association Photo Contest, "Offbeat Outdoors" category.  Go to this Facebook page and vote for Al.
There is a sirius possibility that Al could get outvoted by a photo of a slime mold (not making this up)!   Corgidom would never live down the shame!  Vote early!  Vote often!
Al promises:  if he is elected, all of his supporters will get a puppy!*


*sooner or later.  Some restrictions may apply.  Offer void where prohibited.

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OK folks, let's help Al beat the slime mold! You have to "like" the Trails Association page first, then you can find the photo of Al and "like" his pic. Let's make this happen!
Done! GO AL!!!!
As of this morning, we beat the "slime mold" by 1 vote, we need more "likes" to secure corgidom!
I've voted this morning! Al should be the clear winner!
Voted.....Go AL!!!!!!
Done, Al is still beating the slime mold at the time of my vote
Voted :)
I don't like this picture, I LOVE it! Voted! Go Al!!
I must say I don't usually do the "vote for my dog" thing, BUT when I saw that Al might lose to mold, it made me change my mind. Go Al!!!
Voted! Go AL!!
just voted Al's gonna win =)
It's working! It's working! Al is pulling ahead of the slime mold, thanks to mycorgi.com. Thank you, loyal ballot-box-stuffers!
I gotta admit, that photo of the slime mold is way way cool, but this is an ELECTION: no rules, no morals.
Now let's just hope that MySlimeMold.com is not as corrupt... I mean, loyally motivated and democratic... as MyCorgi.com!

I was really surprised that the WTA contest had so few entries; if you go to wta.org and look at previous years' photos, you'll see that there are a lot of very good photographers there.


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