I'm leaving for an island vacation in a week, which yea! (especially since I'm looking out my window right now and it's SNOWING!).  But also, I'm a little nervous about leaving my 6 month old pup for the first time for an extended time (7 days).  He is staying with my boyfriend's mom and dad, which he has met a couple of times and has visited their home.  He seems to like it there, as they have a nice fenced yard for lots of sniffing and playing.  They are dog people, who have owned dogs for years (though they have no dog now), and they sound excited for him to stay.  So, I think it sounds great (plus its free!). However, no one really knows your dog like you do, so I'm still a little nervous.  I have left him for short, weekend get-aways and he has always done fine, but he stayed at my own home with my roommate.    

Anyways, any tips/suggestions for leaving a pup during a longer vacation? What does everyone do with their Corgis when they can't travel with them?  Should I expect the owner-dog bond to suffer at all?  Or will he remember me and pick-up right where we left off? Ahh, dog ownership anxiety...

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Thanks everyone for the encouraging words and advice!  I did most of things you all suggested.  I left him with three bags full of toys, treats, and food.  I also wrote up a quick "cheat sheet", reminding them of my typical routine, as well as what I was focusing on with his training.   We have been home now for a week and things did really pick up right where we left off.  Bowie was SUPER excited to see us (and I was SUPER excited to see him!) and we were able to quickly get him back into the swing of things around our place.  I think it was a great arrangement for him and they said he behaved really well, which surprised me to be honest! My little guy is growing up! haha I'm looking forward to a summer spent with my pup!

Meghan I am so glad everything worked out for you and Bowie did well.


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