In honor of Mocha, I am starting a bucket list for Vienna as well. She was diagnosed with stage 5 lymphoma today. Please take a look at Mocha's list and share your suggestions on this one. I will post a picture / video as I complete each one.

Update Aug 1, 11:02pm

Dear Corgi friends,

I am overwhelmed with your love, prayers and support. Thank you for taking time to write me, I cherish each thoughtful message / reply. Please forgive me, for I cannot reply every message at this time.

To answer some of your questions. My vet was just as shocked as we were. Mocha and Vienna were born in different parts of Florida to 2 different breeders / parents and time of the year. We have never lived in a hazard area or purposely expose ourselves to cancer causing agent. Due to the cancer had already spread to the bone marrow (stage 5), chemo will not guarantee longer or better quality of life. We like to respectfully decline any financial assistance. However, we like to take this opportunity to encourage you to donate to Corgipals, Sunshine Corgi Rescue, ForPaws and CorgiAid. Open your hearts for a rescue corgi or volunteer to become a foster parent / transport.

Life is never fair, sometimes even cruel. I don't blame God or anyone for the recent events. My faith remain strong, I believe He will continue to provide me with strength to carry on. My wife and I had ran out of tears, perhaps still in shock. We think the best use of our time now is to focus on "Living and celebrate Vienna's life". Corgi nation is closer than ever, let us continue to help one another, be kind and pay it forward.


Sam, Silvia & Vienna

Dec 23rd 2012 Update

Hello Corgi Friends,

Our beloved Vienna joined Mocha at the rainbow bridge 3 days ago, 1 day before the Mayan calendar ends. 

It's been very difficult coming home without the barking, especially the lack of jingling sound from her collar. We miss having our kitchen floor clean , we miss her drive by licking and nose nudges during dinner time.

We find ourselves staring at the ground level constantly, hoping to find her beautiful smile. Everywhere we look brought back sweet memories.

No, we will never forget them, the holes in our hearts will never be filled, nor another dog will replace their place in our hearts, but in time, our hearts will heal. 

Mocha and Vienna were our kids, the first 10 years of our marriage foundation. They have taught us so much and preparing us for human kids of our own someday. Until then, we will continue to foster and placing rescue corgis in need.

Thank you for your messages and walking this journey with us. Y'all gave us strength, comfort and hope. We will be absent for a lil bit after the holidays, to get away, recharge and heal. Life is short, please hug your corgis, give them a real piece of juicy meat, take lots of picture / videos, go and create more memories.

Happy Holidays! Blessings to you all!


Sam & Silvia

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The trials your family has gone through this year makes me thank God for the blessings of my boring life.  I know that no one but corgi-fanatics will see this so I do not need to preface anything about these just being dogs.  We all know that they hold a tiny, milkbone-shaped piece of our hearts.  We care for and about them in a way that to some might be frivolous but that's why you started this site I guess. So we could speak about and for the smallest members of our families without filtering for the "normal people"?   Thank you for that and for sharing your story, the good and bad.  God bless. 

Sam.... we are thinking of you, Silvia and Vienna.  My heart is breaking reading this news.  Sending big ((HUGS)) your way, and a special kiss for Vienna.

Sam and family-

I'm so sorry to hear about your corgi kids.  Sending love and hugs to you all.  Vienna's bucket list should contain a constant stream of scrooches and belly rubs. 

Truly heartbreaking.  My heart goes out to you and your family.  

Our Fergie was diagnosed stage 5A Early Last Oct 2011 - she is still with us. We are now well into the 2nd round of Chemo and we are hopng she will make it to the 1 years mark. There is always hope... 

Your faith and strength is inspiring. I wish you and your family the best while living and celebrating Vienna life. I lost Guiche, due to liver cancer, last December and recently rescued Carter, who has had a series health issues, including heartworms (just tested negative!) and acl surgery from which is now recovering. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions, and some days I wanted to run out of tears just to stop the heartache. Cherish the time you have with Vienna and may it be a long time.

I saw the replies to this on your other thread before reading the update and was afraid to look....  I'm so sorry.  I can't even imagine how awful you both must feel at the prospect of losing another furbaby so soon after Mocha.   Not that it's ever easy.    I hope that Vienna is comfortable and that you are all able to enjoy however much time you have left with her.

p.s.  I'd vote for those bacon turtles that got posted, they look pretty decadent...

Can they narrow it down to cause?  I am here in Florida and got Poodeck from a Florida breeder; I am a bit concerned.  Is there a test to recognize this early?

I can not even imagine your family's pain; again you all are in our thoughts and prayers!!

Hi Sam, Gregg & Poopdeck, there's currently no solid scientific cause for canine lymphoma, genetics is #1, as far as environmental factors goes, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides (2,4,D) had been "rumored" to be the culprit, there's a lack of scientific proof at the moment.

There are specific tests, normally it can be detected from your annual check up blood panel (white blood cell count indicate infection). We did have a blood panel done back in March, looking back... Mocha had been dealing with a stubborn skin infection since december 11, it could have been an early indication, but his lymph nodes were normal size.

There are different types of lymphoma and it affects different lymph nodes, for Mocha it was his sub mandibula, Vienna's were mandibula + popliteal. A cyctology sample was obtained from those sites and that's how you find out if it's lymphoma or just an infection.

There are 5 stages of lymphoma, stage one affects one area and is very treatable with chemo, it can extend life expectancy up to 1 year. Stage five affects the bone marrow, cancer cells metastasize quickly, life expectancy is couple of weeks to 2-3 months. Chemo may add 2-3 months tops. Chemo cost 7K here in Toronto, good thing is usually split and pay in 3 phases, if your dog survive 1 phase, you move on to the next phase of chemo. 

In my opinion, Canine Lymphoma is one of those tricky cancer, you can only do so much to prevent it, so my advise is do what you can, enjoy life and don't let it get to you. Hope this eases your mind.

Thank you for teaching us about lymphoma, even through your trying times! I am shocked to hear about Vienna's diagnosis. Sending you and your family lots of corgi love and support. I think you need to make all those videos again but this time with Vienna. I also think an ice cream video is in order too.

Sam. I want to say how deeply sorry I am for your loss. I can relate having lost my precious corgis this year to cancer. In April 2011 my cardigan Maggie who was 12 yrs was diagnosed with a chemo dectoma tumor on her heart which was chemo resistant and inoperable. 2 weeks later my 10 yr old pemproke was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma. We did the chemo at Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph His lymphoma was back within a month of chemo ending. I lost my pemproke George jan 12th 2012 and my Maggie March 17 2012. It is still without a doubt the most devastating time for me. I will pray for your Vienna and for Mocha and I know Mocha is waiting at the Rainbow bridge for you guys.

I just saw this... this is heartbreaking news, especially after recent events.  I'm so sorry Sam, for the difficulties you and your family have had to go through.  I don't know what else to say except that you'll continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.


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