Paisley has grown up into an awesome little corgi. I have had so much fun with her, but we have had just a couple of little issues. The main one, that is causing me the most trouble is when we are on walkies. 

She is a very lucky and spoiled girl since I am home most days, and gets to go on a nice long walkie almost everyday. We live in a neighborhood that is full of dogs and we usually see 4 or 5 or more depending on the time of day. Paisley is terrified of them. She didn't used to be like this, and used to always want to meet everyone that passed by, but now she puts her ruff up and gets as far away as possible. If there is more than one big dog she will whimper and try to actually take off running. When I have tried to have her meet any of these dogs (usually just little ones that are friendly and calm) she will either squeal or snap if they get too close to her.

As a puppy she was exposed to lots of other dogs, and if she runs into one in our apartment complex that she already knows, she is happy, outgoing and friendly, and usually wants to play with them. When she meets new dogs loose, like in a house she can be kind of snippy and bossy but usually settles down and gets along with them or just ignores them.

I just don't know what to do about it anymore. I have tried to ignore her when she is freaking out, or to distract her. I try not to coddle her with too much reassurance because I don't want to enforce her behavior, but I don't want to scold her either because I know she is just frightened. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to help us out. I feel bad that she is so scared, and I want her to enjoy her walkies. I also feel bad that she can't meet any new dogs, especially since there are so many around us everyday.

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Awww, I'm sorry I have no ideas... But, I hope it gets better. Hugs from me and Kota
Thank you Kerry. Paisley is 10 months old. She will be a year old in May. She really started acting like this, to such an extreme, about a month ago. I will try your on leash technique this afternoon. We usually don't meet many dogs off leash but I think showing her that I am protecting her by keeping dogs at a distance is a good idea. She tries to hide behind me on her own anyway.


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