Mowgli has the funny habit of walking backwards when he gets excited.  If I have his food bowl, for example, he will get in front of me and, continuing to face me, he'll walk backwards all the way into the next room where he gets fed.  Same if he sees me with the leash.  Our house is 1/8 mile from the front gate, so I don't need to put him on leash 'till we get there, but he'll just keep facing me and walking backwards until I put the leash on and he's sure he's coming on the walk. Sometimes he does it while sitting and simply scooting backward in short bursts, rather than walking. He can keep it up for quite awhile!   In my experience, dogs don't much like to walk backwards, and he's the first one I've ever had that does this.   Is this behavior peculiar to him, or is it a Corgi thing?  It sure looks funny!

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Anna,  My dog Reese (thought to be a corgi mix) drives me nuts while watching me, she tries to anticipate where I am going and by trying to back in that direction.  She gets in the way and continues backing around the house. Randy does not back but will whip around run the direction he thinks I am going. They both know the dressing, makeup routine and watch for signs of "leaving/going".  Now, if I even think of going to the garage and/or car both race to the garage door!!  I do wonder if it isn't a corgi trait even though Randy doesn't do it.  Maybe, Reese is part cardi. 

Mowgli is like Reese.   Like yours, he too watches for when I put on my shoes, either hoping to go for a walk, or hoping for a treat before I leave. Yesterday, I left early and my husband said the dog went to his bed, but as soon as he started to put his shoes on Mowgli appeared and stayed with him, never taking his eyes off of him.  My husband got the message and gave him a treat before leaving!

Seems like dogs who are really into fetching usually will back up in order to get out to catch and still keep an eye on the ball.  Murray is not real big into fetching, maybe that's why he didn't back up much naturally?  I had also taught him to spin in front of me, so I put the 2 commands together to see if he would back up and then spin at a distance, which he did no problem.  Trouble is, he now anticipates this and will often put a little spin flourish on the end of a back!  Making them back to catch treats is a good way to reinforce this behavior.  I use a hand signal (point out over his head) as well as a verbal command.  He responds to either or both and understands if I tell him "more" or "further" to get up and back up more.

@ Beth, you might be onto something with the cows swinging around, that would also go with the riveted eye content that anticipates any move I make.  Wonder if other cattle dog breeds do this.  

@ Judith Andre, it's a thought.  I have a Jack Russel grand-dog who is a fiend for anything you throw so, after reading your post, the first time I went to my son's house I threw a few balls for him.  He tends to stand facing you and may back up a bit, but he basically goes out straight, turns to face (that's when a little backing up may occur), waits 'till you throw, then  swings around and go back out straight towards the ball.   I'll have to survey my friends with ball/Frisbee loving dogs.  Our Mowgli has no interest in retrieving either one.


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