How far should I take my 4 month old pup on walks for? She still isn't perfect on the leash and I can't tell when she'd had enough of the walk or just the leash. I try and take her on two walks a day one in the morning and one after I get home from work or school. How far do you go with your puppy?

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little legs and feet. does she pass out when you get home? I have had some of my different puppies just lay down and they were done. She should be able to go a 1/4 to 1/2 mile atleast per trip. just use your best judgement and work up slowly.
When Dax was small we used to take him for short walks and when he was done he would just plop down on the ground and refuse to move. The first couple times I picked him up and carried him home, but then I realized that I really don't want him to get used to me doing that, so I just coaxed him along. At first he really didn't make it past the end of the street, which isn't very far at all, then he gradually started going farther and farther, and now he would go around the block as many times as I would take him. I guess the point is she'll let you know when she's gone far enough, just don't push her, but be aware of how she's acting. Her little legs can't carry her too far at 4 months old, but just wait because once she gets older you won't be able to keep up with her. :)
I'd say going around the block is usually a good distance.
Thanks for the replies. I have been going down our street and half way around the block then go back. She usually tries to RUN back. I just want to make sure I'm giving her the exercise she needs. Today we went around the whole block and she was tired after that!


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