I'm having a little problem. I would like to get another corgi in late spring or early summer. There aren't alot of breeders I can find in Colorado, Also I can not afford to pay 700.00 plus. More like 400-450. If anyone knows of anyone. Please let me know. Thanks

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Check into a corgi rescue. They usually have them for a lot lower price, and you'll be giving a nice home to a corgi that someone couldn't keep any longer. You can also check Corgiaid also, and see if there is a corgi near your area.
Thanks I'll check into that.
I just looked on puppyfind.com and the corgi pups on there from colorado were priced anywhere from $200-500. That can be a start for you, but definitely do your research on the breeders on there because some may not be that reputable (I did find Gibson on there though, and I couldn't be happier w/him or his breeder :) ). Also, I agree w/Lou Ann about looking into a corgi rescue. Most of them are posted on petfinder.com (it pulls data from shelters & rescues) if you want to see what's available in your area.
I can see I need to do some explaing. As much as we would like to rescue an older dog I don't believe this would be a good idea. One of the reasons we got Max is that we lost our Blue Heeler Tilly in Oct. This was not the only reason or the best reason. My husband had always wanted a corgi. Tilly was His dog. She was not my dog and she made that very clear. This was not my idea, it was hers. My husband did not take her passing well. He did not have a good family life as a child and took Tillys passing harder than his folks. To say that it broke his heart is not overstateing it. My kids and I got togeather and decided another dog was the best thing for him. Thankfully it was! He has been a new person since Max came. I don't want to get an older dog and have him lose another one in time. I realize Max will be gone at some point but an older dog would be a problem for him.
Let me clarify somethings about rescues.

Rescues corgis come from all walks of life, let me tell you the variety that we've seen:

1. Ex-showdog corgi - some can be quite young too, we have several members who have adopted ex-showdogs, just ask around.

2. Seized from operation corgis - these includes pregnant corgi, puppies, once they're nursed back to heath, they are available for adoption.

3. Divorce - we just fostered one and he was such sweet heart who was already crate / potty trained, knew all the commands and fetch!

4. Foreclosure / lost of job - the economy have pushed quite a few owners to surrender them to us. We're picking one up next week.

5. Elderly owner - owners who are physically not capable to look after their corgi anymore and surrender them to us.

6. Pass away - owner who pass away and surrender their corgi to us.

7. Xmas corgi - yup, there are new owners who cannot handle a new young pup and surrender them to us. Sometimes it was the spur of the moment, sometimes it's medical issues like allergies...etc.

Just this year, we've had almost 100 corgis surrended to the Florida area, and we still have a few weeks before the year end.

I can name a few more situations, but you get the idea, if you're interested: contact your local rescue, they will try their best to match you with a corgi that would fits your lifestyle. Best things comes to those who wait :)
Sam's right- you never know with rescue. You should also be aware that at the Colorado rescue you've got a lot of breeders involved. After all- they are concerned for the welfare of the breed- in all ways. I guess what I'm trying to say is "don't assume" that all rescues are senior dogs or that rescuing an older dog will lead to more heartbreak. It might but the chances that the joy will outweigh the pain are pretty good.....
Alright I get it I apoligize.
No need to apologize Renee, I'm glad you ask the question, it's what this place is all about :) Please don't feel like you are walking on egg shells. We are all lifetime students, I hope my comments didn't come across as pressuring you into getting a rescue. I just wanted to clarify and present an opportunity. I apologize if it perceived the other way.
Sam, I thank you for your insight. I'm trying to get ahold of the colorado corgi rescue. It isn't easy.com
There's an ad for a corgi on craigslist too that I saw


And one for a corgi mix

I just got news from the Pitkin County Shelter- Katie has been adopted so she'll be coming off the Colorado Rescue site soon. Please let me know what difficulty you're having contacting the Colorado Rescue (I work on their web site for them) you can email me off list web@coloradocorgi.org




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