Hi all!  Story had her 12 week vet visit today and the vet took a closer look at her watery eyes.  She has had watery eyes since she came home from the breeder.  Her breeder said most of her puppies had the watery eyes from the dry conditions at their home and that it is usually resolved in a few weeks.  Story still has the watery eyes and the vet used flourescent dye to see the tears aren't draining properly.  The vet referred me to the opthamologist vet for further testing.  I looked back on the mycorgi site and have seen previous posts on this condition, along with a range of answers on what to do.  Story does not rub her eyes, they are not red and the discharge is colorless and watery, but almost constant.  It is a substantial cost to have her seen by this vet and have preliminary testing done on her eyes (about $215).  I never complain about the cost of pet ownership, I'm simply interested in getting advice from experienced Corgi owners as to whether I should have this looked at ASAP or if I should give it some more time.  I have never had dogs with such watery eyes.  Our state is surrounded by forest fires right now, so the air is irritating anyway.  Thanks for your input!

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Hi Tomi,

You can get a warm moist towel to perform warm compress over her eyes, proceed to rinse with saline solution. Turn up the humidifier at home and vaccum frequently. Any chance she's exposed to smoky environement inside your home?  Grass pollen is high today in your neck of the woods.

Thanks Sam, no smoke in the house except for what comes in from outside due to the forest fires. A local Corgi friend recommended Vetericyn eye wash, she uses it on her Corgis. I will do the compresses and humidifier, as well. I appreciate your advice!

Hi Tomi, there's really no need for Vetericyn (expensive, extremely diluted Hypochlorous acid), go to Walmart and purchase the "Equate" brand saline solution, it is much cheaper and gentle on the eyes.

Thanks Sam, Story's eyes are showing great improvement! ^..^

I guess it just depends on what is causing it. Franklin had a clogged tear duct causing his eye to water. A 10 day course of eye drops with steriods was enough to decrease the inflammation and flush out the tear duct and fixed the problem. I"m pretty sure this issue isn't anything that is going to cause long term damage, it is just more of a cosmetic thing and potential annoyance. As long as the vet is sure the ducts aren't draining properly and its not from inverted eye lashes or something like that.


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