Hey guys,
I just brought home my friend a few days ago. He's a year old and was going to be a show, but his breeder thought he'd work out better as a companion. He's great and has been adjusting well (coming from a farm with 6 other corgis to an apartment in the city with just me). He is crate trained, but we had an accident last night :( I took him out around 11pm and got up at 6:45 to find his crate pad soaked with urine...he looked so sad :(( I got him cleaned up and changed out his mat, but I'm just wanting to try and prevent this in the future. I'm a teacher and out of school now, but when August comes around I'll be leaving around 7am and coming home at lunch at 11:30, and then back home again at 5. He had had quite a bit of water after our walk last night, so should I just have walked him longer last night so he would be totally "empty" before going to bed? I thought he had gone a good amount, but judging by his crate this morning he had a lot left :/

Anyway, could this be something else? Nerves? Adjusting? Not fully crate trained? I don't think it's the last one as he's been doing the crate routine for a year now :/

Thanks for all the help!


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And his name is Topper, btw :)

Hi Chris, he is adjusting to the new environment, it'll take him at least a month to get to know you and break out of his shell. in the mean time he is learning the ropes and schedule, he will need to adapt to your potty schedule. My advise is set a schedule and stick to it, read the FAQ on potty training, take him out one last time before bed. good luck.

I would just give him time to learn your hours and your routine.  You can restrict his water intake before the night ( but not during the day, except when he is crated for up to 3 or 4 hours max ).  For example, if you feed him at 6 PM take up the water around 8 PM.  Once he has adjusted, you will no longer have to worry about restricting water in the evening.  If he was housebroken before, it should not take him too long to adjust, a couple of weeks.

Thanks for the help! Topper has done much better the past few nights. He's adjusting well :) 

Happy to hear that.  Don't relax your precautions too soon.


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