So I got Ein a devil dog costume this year, but maybe I should have gone with macgyver instead. My husband had a sandwich for lunch and it came with a peppermint. Just a plain ol red n white peppermint in a square wrapper. In the 30 seconds that it took my husband to go to the restroom Ein saw his chance (this is the part i'm not sure about) He either mananaged to squeeze the mint out of the wrapper while it was still on the table OR he got it off of the table squeezed the mint out and then spit the wrapper back onto the table, ATE the mint and went and layed back on his pillow like nothing happened. This is only the most recient "Macgyver" moment. I'm not sure he's not rigging some system to get into the fridge while we are away. :) How has your corgi been a macgyver?