I have visited several sites to try to find the cutest, most unique dog costume. So far we have it down to either batman, or batgirl in Quixotes case since she is all ears right now! Or an astronaut costume with an acme pack that we found at glamourdog.com. It is a hilarious costume and definitely would suit quixotes speed rocketing runs around our house!
What is your corgi going to be this halloween?

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Cool, a true fairy steed!
A fairy Dog all the way. Love it! What a fun idea! :D
I agree 100%, that's such a fun costume! Great job!
Here's Tasha's costume

What a little sweetie! So Cute!
Aww she's so pretty!
soooooo beautiful!!
i know i already posted a discussion but he here is in his costume:)

So cuuuuuute!
What a cute little tiger.
Ve are haffing a Hallowe'en nightmare.
Furst, zere vas ze Futball game: Stanford 42, UW Huskies, 0. I cannot belief it. Ze Dawgs vere tripping over zeir own tails. Mit Al undt Gwynnie on ze team, zey voot at least haf drawn blood. I mean, scored.
Andt now, our two adorable leettle verevolves are scaring away all our victims. I mean, visitors. Sometink abowt ze blood dripping from zeir fangs, and ze various bones andt body parts strewn abowt ze lawn, and ze bloodcurdling howlink. True, zere are not so many children left in ze neighborhood, but at zis rate, ve vill haf all of zis bait -- I mean, candy -- left ofer, andt it might be bad for our teeth.

But really, one voot tink zat a verevolf costume for a corgi voot be ze seemplest ting: yoost a black cape mit a tall collar, pairhaps a scarlet reebbon.... som blohd stains on ze ruff, yoost for effect... Off courze, a long black cape and pallid complexion for yourself.
Voot it spoil ze fun to put some reflectif tape on ze costume for safety?
LOL John, this was such a hilarious read! Although it took me a good 20 minutes to read the whole thing, you've made my night my friend. Happy Howl-oween to you, Al and Gwynnie!! ^,,^


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