I have visited several sites to try to find the cutest, most unique dog costume. So far we have it down to either batman, or batgirl in Quixotes case since she is all ears right now! Or an astronaut costume with an acme pack that we found at glamourdog.com. It is a hilarious costume and definitely would suit quixotes speed rocketing runs around our house!
What is your corgi going to be this halloween?

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Milo is just adorable. Thanks for sharing. :D
Omgosh! I cant get over how cute this is!
My Corgi, Chula, was the Disco Devil. I live in a Condo and we went to all 43! Most hadn't seen a trick-or-treater in yearsl and didn't have any candy. Good thing since she doesn't eat candy and my boyfriend would have eaten it all up! I, unfortunately didn't get any pictures, but we got a regular devil costume and added beads and sparkles and little shoes (acutally more like those warmup things). She loved all the attention and went right to sleep when we got home. Oh I also pasted bangle earrings on her ears, which I can't believe she didn't eat! Hope your Halloween was fun. This was our first. Next year we're doing a Countess Barkula..already have the costume. I didn't go to any websites but I think the best thing is to consider the personality of your puppy/dog and go from there. Chula is definetely a Diva.
Lola was a princess & our son, Owen, was a dragon!


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