well i have a interesting story for both my corgi's. first

"WREN" it was February 29th 2004 (leap year) and i was supposed to pick Wren up from the breeder that day, and come that morning i still have not had a named picked out for her. it was going to be Zoey but just couldn't commit to that name. so my family has been constant readers of the comic "Baby Blues" and about the time i was getting Wren the couple in the comic were expecting a baby. they revealed the name in the sunday edition, right before i was to get the puppy. i read the comic and saw the name and a light went on. "Wren, thats it" my family agreed it would be a perfect name, and it was!!!

and now...

"OZZEE" again like Wren i couldn't decide on a name for him. for the longest time it was going to "Harvey", my father is a HUGE batman fan. we had gotten Oz about 3mos before the latest batman movie was due in theaters, so it was perfect. But my dad wanted to change it to OZZEE, before we brought Oz home, my dad had become friends with a guy at a local grocery store, and he thought he was the coolest person. (he was a janitor, not a big deal or anything) but my dad came home one day and said "we should name the new pup "Ozzee" i said okay, but im changing the spelling because i wanted some what of a unquie name for my dog.

and well for my kitty "MR. BUSY" well hes a cat that never sleeps. he's ALWAYS busy doing/chasing something.

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Edan's name is welsh for "the firey little one" when I went to the pet store to get him he would stop running around and nipping and playing so I thought it would fit
Everyone has interesting name stories... but mine is pretty simple. My puppy is named after two of my favorite things... flowers and beer! Her name is Daisy Stella. Gerber Daisies are my favorite flower and Stella Artois is my favorite beer.
Caleb's name is spelled with the same consonants as כֶּ֫לֶב kéleḇ meaning "dog", prompting the common conclusion that the name Caleb means "dog". However, this is not clear. 1 Samuel 25:3 states that Nabal, the husband of Abigail before David, was of the house of Caleb. In Hebrew, the word used for this reference is כָּלִבִּי Kālibbî, and the presence of the -î suffix exposes the double consonant indicating two ב radicals fused together. The Hebrew word לֵב lēḇ, meaning "heart", has the same stem form לִבּ libb-. If כָּ kā- is to be understood as the preposition kə- meaning "as; like", and the vowel as the pretone syllable promoted to ā, then the name כָּלֵב Kālēḇ could also be understood to mean "as the heart". Indeed, a more flowery form of the word for "heart" is לֵבָב lēḇāḇ, where the two ב radicals are not fused but separated by a vowel. Biblical text uses the flowery expression כְּלֵבָב kəlēḇāḇ "as the heart" and כִּלְבַב kilḇaḇ "as the heart of", and there is also the modern expression כִּלְבָבִי k'l'vavi "after my own heart".

Assuming this is even remotely accurate, then his name either means:

1: "Dog"
2: "As the heart"
3: "After my own heart"

I would like to suggest a fourth entry: All of the above.
I named mine Superstar cause I love the movie! lol, and thats the first thing it crossed my mind when I think of a Corgi: short fast legs!
all the men in my family have george in their name so easy pic he was to be george before i even met him
I couldn't pronounce any Welsh names, so I just picked Algernon. We call him Algy for short and it seems to fit. He does kind of grow on you after a while >:)
Just like the mouse "Algernon" from the book "Flowers for Algernon".....a true classic read with an ending that guarenteed to make the hardest heart break out in tears.
I fell in love with the name Ofelia when I saw the movie "Pan's Labyrinth." And because I'm hispanic I knew I wanted a Spanish name for my puppy. I didn't pick her name until the first time I saw her - she was a surprise. And it just seemed to fit. The moment I saw her, I thought, "Ofelia." Her name isn't pronounced o-FEE-lia; it's actually o-FEH-lia. People just seem to assume I'm either pronouncing Ophelia wrong or spelling it wrong. But that's not the case.

Her full name is Ofélia de la Vega Rivera. Because corgis have vulpine faces, I named her after Zorro - Diego de la Vega. Zorro means fox in Spanish. And Rivera is my last name.
Before I got my corgi, I had two cats: Minerva and Weasleby. Both were named for characters in the Harry Potter series. Minerva McGonagall can transfigure into a cat, so I figured that would be a good name for my first. And when we got the second kitty, we named him Weasleby because he has bright red hair, like Ron Weasley. Not that we ever called the cats by those names. Minerva was always "Mousie" (long story) and Weasleby was simply "The Brother," as in, Mousie's brother. So, I thought I would stick with the theme when naming my corgi. I picked Ginny because she is loyal and brave, and a red-head too, just like my red and white corgi. Most people think her name is Jenny, until I explain that she spells it with a G. And then they look at me funny for implying that my corgi can spell. Little do they know how smart corgis are!
I named my girl Molly, after the Weasley matriarch. I would have preferred to name her after Ginny, but my family calls me Jenny and I didn't want my pup getting confused :o) So if we ever get a male, he will have to be Arthur...
That would be so cute!!
Sirius --- the Dog Star, alpha Canis Major: Orion's Big Dog (lower-left of Orion, brightest star in the sky, prominent in spring evening sky northern hemisphere).
Procyon --- "pro see un" -- alpha Canis Minor, Orion's Little Dog (N of Sirius). Haven't used it yet. This is the genus name for raccoons, so it's perfect for a black-faced tri with a mask.
Gwynnhffar --- Welsh name, I don't even know how to spell it. Close to "Gwennyvere".
Allegro --- muscial nsotation, "quick, happy, lively"


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