As it looks like I'm finally going to be able to move into my own house relatively soon (I will find out tomorrow, Thursday, if I'm approved for the loan), I need to start looking for a vacuum and I want a Dyson but I don't know which one to get.  The Animal costs a LOT to me and I don't think I want to spend that much money, would the DC25 work fine?  There are going to be two Corgis in this house at some point and possibly a Siberian Husky depending on what my boyfriend decides so the fur is really going to fly!

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My neighbor is moving.  I'm going to make him an offer on the small shop-vac he has in the garage.  The corgis finally worked our Kenmore to death.  I've been using the basement's 4 h.p. shopvac, huge and inconvenient, but it sure sucks and it has a HEPA filter.  No good for going up-and-down stairways.

USE EAR PROTECTION!  Most vacuums are loud enough to damage your hearing


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