So for a few weeks now one of our corgis has a white spot/bump on the side of his tongue. Looking online it seems like this can happen if he had bitten down on the tongue (since its basically on edge where teeth are)

That made sense to me, however its not really changing in size over time, I would expect it to dimish over time, has anyone had something similar to this?

I circled the spot in question on my attachment

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It looks like a wart to me.  Does he have any spots on his nose?  My dogs YEARS ago passed some wart virus between them that left white spots on their said it was a wart virus.  I THINK, not sure- it was a long time ago- that one of them had the same thing on their tongue.  How long has it been there?  I'd probably take him to the vet just to be sure...if it's a tumor the quicker they get it off the better.


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