Does anyone else have the problem of their corgi wanting to exercise with them? I am not always able to get to the gym, especially with this horrible weather lately, so I use exercise DVDs. Every time that I begin to do one of these Mochi decides she wants to workout with me. She will bring each one of her toys to my feet, lies beneath me while I do push-ups, yanks on my hair when I do sit-ups, and once she even picked up an 8-lb little dumbbell and ran away with it! I'm definitely not complaining about this; she's too cute to be upset with, and I enjoy having a little buddy to accompany me :) I was just curious if anyone else goes through this, or if there's any other odd activities your corgis like to help you with.

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hahaha! I have to work out in my office... I only do bodyweight stuff anyway. I tried doing pushups at home & kept getting corgi licks. I was told if I could get him to sit on my back while I did them, I would get the added weight advantage ;-)

Aerobic exercise we do together: walkies! (& hiking & sledding & xc skiing...)

Ein goes crazy when I do workout dvds. I do a lot of fast aerobics and resistance training, and she hopps around under foot, runs around, and even barks at me sometimes. She does try to take my 5lb weights, but has not been able to lift them yet. I usually end up crating her, cause I'm afraid I'm going to step on her.
Me and my husband work out together bt we have taught teddy that when we work out he is to lay out of reach and harms way:) I would hate for him to get hurtm during the work out. I toss a couple of treats so he knows he is doing great by staying out of our way. Sometimes me and my husband go for a run with teddy and he loves it!
I've had to learn how to throw a tennis ball while doing yoga.
I just started running this week and have been taking Rowdy with me. There is NO DOUBT he is a corgi! He follows me fine (on the leash, but I don't have to hold it) and after our first clumsy run (don't run UNDER mommy's feet, you'll both trip and fall) he has taken to herding me. Today's run consisted of him going about either side of me and nipping my heels... it was a little tough but he was so cute! He's just doing what comes naturally :P
Yes! I got Razzo in the jaw when doing back kicks! He was right up under my feet! I have been to a trainer since he is a pup and a clean slate to work with, he now has to stay up on the couch out of the way til I call him down. The two older ones are doing well they go to their beds and stay and watch til they are called off. Sometimes they have to be corrected and put back in and told to stay! It was a lot of work on the leash in the house but it pays off! I do call them at end of floor work nothing better than kisses and a corgi pile on as a reward for a good workout!
Noodles is always right there with me. I've kicked him a few times because he stays right by my feet. Now when I'm down on the floor, it is fair game to corgi kisses. I've mastered the art of playing tug of war while lifting weights and doing sit ups.
I figured that I couldn't be the only one with a corgi who did this, hehe. Thanks for sharing all of your stories! So far I have never actually kicked or ran into Mochi while exercising, and I hope that never happens!
Edison is always intensely interested when we stretch or do yoga at home.  He, too, is way too cute to get mad at when he delivers an unexpected nose poke into prone regions, or starts furiously licking a face within range.  I think they're just curious about our unusual activities and want to play!  :)


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