Just wondering if anyone has had a corgi that weighs about 20 lbs, at 5 months 3 weeks. had a 19 inchish girth. I am curious to how large he will get. I read on some other that they may gain some poundage after the first year 'filling out' also.

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Plato was almost the exact same size at that age. He topped out at 33 lbs. When he stretches out (flying corgi position) he's almost 35 inches!
holy crap! (forgot to mention his is also over 11" tall so close 'max standard' height. )
If he got that big I would be impressed.

Flying corgi position eh? I have been calling it the 'corgi splat', I like that one a lot though.
Flying squirell, corgi splat whatever it's all the same...lol personally we call it turkey legs cos their back legs look like turkey drumsticks.


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