I am having the strangest time trying to train Finnegan. He's just over 4 months and has done great except for carpets. He won't go on hardwood floors. We have a dog door and a fenced yard. He knows to go outside, but if there's a rug by the door he'll come back in and pee on it. So I have a choice, muddy floors or pee on rugs. I'm wondering if the rug feels like grass to him. Any ideas?

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Yes I have heard that rugs and carpets are targets for puppies to pee, and they usually won't go on a bare floor or pavement outside. I removed all my throw rugs when I got Leo so I have to constantly clean the floors (puppy prints). As Leo got older I put the rugs back and he chewed them instead of peeing on them...so no rugs for awhile. Randy is just little so there won't be a point to a throw rug for another year I'm guessing. I keep the boys out of the carpeted area as well right now until Randy is older and completely house trained. IMO it is better to have muddy floors than pee rugs. Also if you can wipe their paws when they come in.
I actually live in an apartment that is mostly carpet and had a fairly tough time with potty training but now Sky is almost 6 months and is potty trained! I had a lot of accidents. One thing that I did, which I am sure you do, is if you catch Finnegan in the act distract him immediately and correct him. Take him outside to where you want him to go and treat him. (if you don't catch him, you can't do anything but clean up) Afterwards clean up the mess but not in Finnegan's presence, supposedly that confuses them.

Another thing I did was leave a puppy pad near the door entrance even though he rarely used it just so that the scent would lure him there if he needed to potty.

If I caught him trying to squat on the carpet or sniffing around trying to find a spot, I would immediately take him to the puppy pad near the exit and then straight outside, wait for him to pee and then give him a treat.

I hope that helps a little! Its exactly what my vet and trainers told me and it worked even though I thought for a while I would never be successful. ^_^ Goodluck!
I also live in an apartment - and Tank is just now 4 months old too! We used potty pads in our kitchen for awhile, then started taking him outside so that now he waits by his gate when he has to go. When he started doing that a couple of weeks ago, we bought a few jingle bells and hung them where he could reach. At first, we bopped his nose with it anytime we took him outside, but then we stopped and made him do it. We're at the stage now where he's jingling his bells when he needs to go! Sometimes he jingles often though, but we're still taking him out every single time so that he learns the connection. When we can't take him out (or don't want him to jingle every 2 minutes) we hide the bells. So far so good! That's my best alternative to a doggie door.


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